Find USDA Eligible Properties in Wallace County

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Looking to buy in Wallace County, Kansas?

There are 9 USDA backed residential loans in Wallace county with an average loan balance of $64,815. Over 44% of the loans helped first time home buyers. Borrowers were an average age of 30 years old. The typical appraised home value was around $69,312. On average the rural home size purchased with this loan was approximately 1,445 SqFt. Alternate income limits exist to determine loan eligibility in Wallace county. For a household of upto 4 people the income limit is $91,300. For a household of between 5 and 8 people the income limit increases to $120,500.

The size of Wallace County is roughly 2,366 square kilometers. There are no geographical USDA loan restrictions in this county. The influence score for Wallace County is 9. Look below for the interactive county level map illustration below for more details.

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* cities most likely to have USDA loan eligible properties for sale.

*Sharon Springs   •   Sunland   •   *Wallace   •   *Weskan

A USDA loan is a mortgage option available to eligible homebuyers that is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture to promote homeownership in rural communities. USDA Loans, sometimes called "RD Loans," offer 100% financing options on eligible rural properties. USDAProperties can help you find USDA properties in Wallace County.

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Wallace County, Kansas
USDA Boundary Details

Wallace County, located in the Great Plains region of Kansas, was established on March 8, 1868, and named in honor of Brigadier General William H. L. Wallace, a Civil War hero. The county lies in the far-western part of the state, covering an area of approximately 914 square miles. Wallace County is bordered by Colorado to the west, Greeley County to the east, Logan County to the south, and Sherman County to the north.

Historically, Wallace County has been predominantly agricultural, with farming and ranching being the primary industries. In the late 19th century, railroads began to be constructed in the region, making transportation of agricultural goods more accessible and providing an economic boost for the area. Wallace County was largely settled by European immigrants, mostly from England, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries.

The town of Wallace, which is the county seat, was founded in 1860, originally as a Kansas Pacific Railway stop. Another significant town, Sharon Springs, acquired its name from its location on the Butterfield (Jack Springs) Overland Dispatch, a short-lived mail service that operated between 1865 and 1866.

A fun fact about Wallace County is that it is home to Mount Sunflower, the highest natural point in Kansas. While not an actual mountain, it is a charming place in the county, standing at an elevation of 4,039 feet above sea level. This unique attraction draws visitors who want to experience the highest peak in Kansas, which is surrounded by scenic beauty and provides an excellent vantage point to enjoy the vast stretch of the Great Plains.

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Fostoria, OH

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Rd 30 Rd # U
Wallace, KS

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