Marlo Jordan

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Big Block Realty North in SACRAMENTO, CA
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As a realtor, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise about buying and selling real estate. It's not the same everywhere, so you need someone you can trust for up-to-date information. I understand that each situation is unique, whether it's buying, selling, or even if you are just beginning the process of determining your next steps. My goal is to provide you with exceptional service and develop a plan that is catered to your specific needs. I am here to help you in your real estate journey.

Marlo Jordan specializes in residential sales, listing agent and buyer's agent transactions.

Marlo Jordan is most familiar with the local real estate markets within and around the following zip code areas: 95608, 95609, 95624, 95628, 95671, 95695, 95757, 95776, 95824 & 95829

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