The Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas phaeton) is the official state insect of Maryland. This butterfly is known for its beautiful and intricate black, white, and orange coloration. It is found throughout the United States and Canada and is considered very common in its range. The Checkerspot feeds on a variety of plants including milkweed, wildflowers, and clovers. It is particularly fond of the aster family.
The Checkerspot Butterfly was chosen as the Maryland state insect in 1973. It was selected due to its distinctive coloration and its presence in the state. The Checkerspot has become a symbol of the state of Maryland and a reminder of the importance of conservation and protection of wildlife. The butterflyâs vibrant coloration has been used in artwork and logos to represent the state.
The Checkerspot is an important pollinator, helping to spread pollen from one flower to another. It is also an important food source for birds, bats, and other animals. The Checkerspot is a reminder of the beauty and diversity of Marylandâs wildlife and serves as an emblem of the stateâs commitment to preserving the environment.
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