This agent has 1 reviews.

Kpop fan, a seller from Toledo, OH
It gave me so much confidence to enter the selling process when Ivan was brought in by my contact agent. He is charismatic, and is obviously capable and resourceful in the business. In our first meeting, I told them the basic condition of the property, goal of sales, and expected time of sales. As the POA of the seller, when first asked, I stated the selling conditions were sold as is for 60k at least within 50 days which was our bottom line. I was assured that the property would be sold as is, and would be listed at 84,900 based on brief market research. I was told yes, yes, yes, it can all be done walking away with about 4000 in total cost with 6 percent commission. So I signed. The agent worked with the tenants and got a lot of requests for showing. Within three days, first offer came in as a business entity after adjusting listing price to 60k based on a feedback from first day of serial showings. Later this buyer wanted 2k off for a new furnace and the seller said no. Only later to find out the broker had already agreed to the buyer side about it. Miscommunication so they put it as. So Ivans associate quickly send over addendums to forfeit both Ivan and his agents commission as Their disaster management. However, In the owners experience in real estate internationally, an agent in HK who fail to meet her request to find her a property in her timeframe, the agent had to pay her and got penalized by his company. The moral of this was to show how a customers need is valued much more in some other real estate market. Naturally, the seller was not impressed at all. Making up the 2k on the cost of the seller account really, because this part was what the seller agreed to pay compared to the 2k sorry for the yes yes sold as is but no never made it to the paperwork part the seller should never become obligated to pay! Dont even mention the around 4000 dollars in cost interpretation later on. Prior to find out the 2k Incident, we were told that the buyer would like to get further price off because he didnt like how the recipes look( there is a agreement between landlord and tenants with prorated work for rent). I had explained our relationship with tenants to both Ivan and his agent multiple times ,however, I was told that it did not need to explain to the buyer. So by this point, we were ready to break the deal and move on. i said to Ivan that we are ready to break off the contract with this buyer and to keep the property. First reaction I got was that He hoped for me that I have an attorney in Toledo for breaking the contract. I was not ever asked why we would rather break the contract then to cross our bottom line. I said the same thing to the agent, which it seems that I had to speak with my agent and broker for every subject matter, but she heard me and said she understood where Im coming from, as she assertively pointed out to me that to take this buyer can benefit from lesser responsibilities and gained time ahead of plan. On the other hand, as I was in shock when I told the broker the same thing but he responded with get ready for a lawsuit from the buyer. This is when his other business associate quickly stepped in to draw up addendum forfeiting their commission and claimed their commission would be cover the 2k...We grew more and more insulted by this so call justification. In this 30 some days process, I felt like the sellers criteria as promised was valued less after the commission was forfeited. Less and less communication was conducted. With the seller impression of the final proceeds would be whatever minus around 4000. One day left before closing, we found out at selling price 84,900 estimate cost would be 4000, at 58,000 without their commission the owner would actually be walking out with only 51,000 and some changes. So I called to ask about it but couldnt get hold of them for awhile and I decided to called the real estate lawyer for this matter. By this point, the level of respect for the sellers initial criteria have fell so much that all we had left were the terms on paper which did not state sold as it, 2k less from bottom line, and too late to back out. And by the numbers on paper, of course it shows the seller makes more without their commission other than with commission! But what is not stated is that what we were never supposed to pay a 2k for an as is sales, And not a commission for whatever based on the listing price until the seller agrees in his/her terms! I found out between the lines of the lawyer and the title company agent that they work with or for this business and that based on the numbers on paperwork everything is fine. While my lawyer says the title company is suppose to have all signed documents but L title company dont need seller agent agreement for liability to start preparing closing statement for this business as long as it is state licensed. It is so disappointing to us as seller. Even more so was when I told Ivan and his associate how unhappy we had been. Response? Everything is legal on their behalf, they started citing regulations and back tracking what they put in my paper and all were done right. When I stated the actual figures were so much off from the sellers bottom line, I was told that they are still right with the nonsense logic they convinced themselves. Emphasizing at any unsatisfactory should have justified is far from any answer I was calling for. Other things I got from this conversation also included how he takes care of his agent because she has no money and he has helped hundreds of others! I was told Every time you point a finger at other there will be 4 pointing at yourself... I dont event know what you are upset about (after my serial explanation)...By the time when they asked me what i want them to do, I had no words left in me. I felt like being shamed at and betrayed. And I felt being disrespected by the broker when he refused to listen. I wish I had recorded every business conversations among us so I can at least be sane. Another interesting observation is that when the asking price once was made to 58k and we said I wanted to break the contract and to keep the property, the purchasing business entity quickly changed to a person and to pay cash, which suggests to us on the surface that the buyer is doing the seller a favor to make the sale closing sooner. In reality, the sellers last option to protect her best interest is left to take the dirt and leave this game. Seller paying buyers agent anyway, right? I often thought of the moment when they told me that my agent has worked her b@&$ off with my best interest in mind. Again leaving me speechless, as grandma once said, only wish a wish costs a dollar, oh dear, later again I found myself left without words when asked what could be done to make us happy in this. Oh well. Thank you, next.
To Ivans credits, he and his associate have helped hundreds through ministry. Faith in our own community, when channels properly, is such driving force for great things to happen.

I waited to post this because I want to make sure i should share this. Next morning when this was drafted, I received a message from Ivan that he is not paying for a minor repair from a different sales for me as the owner. He said he is not giving away his money in this deal anymore, which is again interesting because he told me he would take care of it everything will come out from the sales proceeds before what happened above. At this point he just lost his only credit left with me. Thank you for reading.