This agent has 1 reviews.

J. Davis, a buyer from Lexington, KY
Had a horrible experience with this real estate agent. He was the seller's agent during my last home purchase. Mr. Taylor is unscrupulous and allowed his sellers to do and leave significant damage to the home and had no accountability on behalf of himself or his client. Even when my issues were escalated to his agency broker, still not a single representative of the agency addressed my concerns or even offered the basic courtesy of an acknowledgement when I spent the time and effort begging for assistance about the transaction and the wrongdoing of the sellers.

His sellers removed many permanently attached items from the home leaving significant damage to the home, even though the real estate contract clearly states everything attached conveys with the property. I jumped through hoops for months meeting every request and demand from both my agent and the seller's agent (documenting my requests over and over, providing photos, obtaining and providing repair estimates), with absolutely no attempt on either agent's part to help with a remedy or resolution. The best I received was the statement "we all agree it was wrong...."

Very disappointing to encounter service professionals, who are required to abide by standards and ethics, choose to do business in this manner. If you want to do business with an ethical professional who does the right thing, I advise you to look else for your RE agent.