This agent has 1 reviews.

Nikki, a buyer from Youngsville, NC
In all of my experience with realtors I would have to say Mark Rowe is by far the most handsome of them all. I could not lie in that respect. I only wish I could talk well about him in regards to his aid in becoming our realtor in renting a property through Youngsville Realty. I not only watched him sign off on a lease he didn't properly investigate in terms of financial concerns. He helped an old friend out with rental property he assumed his old buddy could afford. Unbeknownst to his knowledge of that man never intending on paying a single payment. I the former almost renter of a room gal was not only paying first and last when I met him but everything from day one. I was never considered to be I'm important to add to the lease. He never once asked or tried to follow up with what my intentions were of either being on the lease or not. I gladly made an effort on multiple occasions to announce I needed to be on the lease considering I was paying for everything mind you. This realtor not only assumed the friend of his could afford the place but also tried to somewhat allow Jack to be the only tenant on the lease with no regards to his actual intentions. He willingly and knowingly tried to address me as a renter of a room and not half ownership of lease commitment. Who doing if you may out of rightful ownership of the lease. I tried on multiple occasions to get him to add me to the lease. He assumed his friend was the sugar daddy in fact I was the sugar momma. If he hadn't so reluctantly added me to the lease his friend would be rightful lease ownership and he would have never paid a dime. I not only committed to half the bills I ended up being responsible for all of them rent bills everything and to think I'm 7000 plus in head over my heels.. I almost watched a man give another man my rental property and If I had not spoken up this friend of his would have made out 7000 in the good on a lease that had only his name on it if I had not have been so adamant about claiming rightful lease ownership. I asked for grace in this matter there was none. He was respectfully arrogant and honestly rude. He knows he tried to finagle me to his liking but I can't prove it. I cussed him out for neglecting his profession and allowing him to know exactly what I thought. He was also trying to get another realtor to handle my agreement also. He not only disrespected me but he negated to do his job. If he had of done his job from the beginning I wouldn't be in debt paying half more than I planned. I have concurred the entire rent, lights, cable internet and, rent a center washer and dryer bill I didn't agree to. I have a 6 year old boy I'm a single mother and at the end of the day I was never respected the beginning or the end there was no grace nor was there any concerns as to what I lost in finances or how it now effects my credit. Truth be told if I had not been so diligent in getting him to add my name to the lease I would have been taken advantage for 7000 and to think he would kick me out... A former so called respectfully known man chief of police in our town for 20 years. To think old money, friends, reputation, check stub and taxes is all you need to land a lease agreement knowing your filing or already filed bankruptcy and have deceived a man that did you a favor by God it makes me wish I only showed him my checking account balance and what was in my savings account because truthfully what I could provide as proof of income was not even of concern and to think he trusted this man shows me just how foolish men are. To think 3 men the realtor, the landlord, and the tenant all grew up together in this small town and knew of each other doesn't mean a thing to me because immediately he assumed his friend had money and to think the gal renting a room was truthfully the one that paid it all. No matter what learned to never depend on a man, never trust a man of any type of authority or reputation in the community because I have been surely treated like a nobody in and throughout this process and to think a commissioner, a former chief of police, and a son called well liked realtor well known in and throughout the community for what his parents graced our small town with many years ago... We have three gentleman that have failed to successfully adhere to the proper protocol when it applys to another individuals life. The three men are assumed wealthy among the community however check stub and taxes failed to successfully provide proof of commitment and a lady whom had more in checking and savings and mind you no debt was not acknowledged at all... I was assumed to be the one not providing payment. His friend completely blindsided me, the realtor, and the landlord... Only to think this man still had no clue as to what my savings could and would provide what I had in child support rears saved and mind you used to the best of my ability. I called him out and expressed the way I felt. After all it's a small town everyone knows everything anyway. I'm just incredibly thankful I had a realtor overlook the integrity of his friends commitment to the lease but also a man that never lifted a finger as to my check stub taxes etc... Honestly I couldn't provide that anyway..However my bank statement alone could lock an agreement in. Through failure to comply with proper protocol as to considering whom he is allowing lease ownership or lease rights he has allowed me to obtain a property that has been more beautiful than I ever imagined or dreamed of... the most beautiful rental property I have ever committed to legally mind you. A. To
Assume his friend could even afford half the rent based on his taxes and check stub. And B. Learning that a lady not capable of providing those two requirements not only was stigmatized as the one whom his friend was taken care of which was also not the financial provider on the lease in his eyes... The realtor learned a few good lessons and do did I. In the end I realized not to trust anyone, never depend on a man, and give myself more credit than I do. Not only did I get to experience what I could do all by myself that I never imagined but I have it my best shot no matter what I would have never known how capable I was until I had to do it all alone. I underestimated myself when I should have never trusted a man based on his reputation and or family. I feel as though if I never spoke on this and expressed my personal experience this would happen again. Truthfully not only was I put in a position to spend my funds alot quicker I experienced hate, anger, depression in and throughout the entire lease not really enjoying my new place but feeling taken advantage of by the friend, the realtor, and the landlord.