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To give you more context, Ashmore is a village located in Coles County, Illinois, with a population of around 800 people.

- Lower cost: Properties in rural areas are often cheaper compared to urban areas.
- Quiet and peaceful living: Living in a small village often means a quieter and more peaceful lifestyle.
- Spacious surroundings: Ashmore is located in a rural area, which means that houses and properties are often surrounded by more open land than in urban areas.
- Community values: Many people who live in small villages like Ashmore value a more tight-knit community and the potential for stronger interpersonal connections.

- Limited amenities: Ashmore is a small village, which means that access to amenities like good schools, shopping centers, dining, and entertainment options may be limited or require travel to other towns.
- Few job opportunities: Small villages often have limited employment opportunities, which may require a longer commute to find work.
- Distance from urban centers: Ashmore is located far from major urban centers, which may limit access to cultural and intellectual events, airports, or medical care.
- Lack of privacy: Living in a small village means that everyone knows everyone else's business, and there may be a lack of privacy in daily life.