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Nice Aspects:
1. Campbellsville is a safe, friendly and welcoming community.
2. Homeowners in Campbellsville enjoy a low cost of living due to the city's low unemployment rate and affordable housing options.
3. Campbellsville offers plenty of recreational activities, such as fishing, camping, golfing, and hiking, making it easy to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

Unappealing Thing:
The tax rate in Campbellsville is higher than average compared to other cities in the state of Kentucky.

Amanda Long
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Exceeding Client Expectations
Having 20 years of retail experience, I know first hand how important it is to meet the needs of all clients. I am ... see full details and contact information for Amanda ... very understanding when it comes to succeeding my clients expectations.
Amanda has 13 recent and active property listings that range in price from $24,500 to $644,900.
Serving the areas of Greensburg, Lebanon & Campbellsville
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Here are some potential pros and cons of home ownership in Campbellsville, Kentucky:

- Affordability: Campbellsville tends to have a lower cost of living than the national average, which can make homeownership more attainable for many buyers.
- Potential for value growth: As with any real estate purchase, home values can potentially appreciate over time, allowing homeowners to build equity and potentially make a profit if they sell in the future.
- Community: Campbellsville is a small town, which can foster a strong sense of community and neighborliness among residents.
- Education: Campbellsville is home to Campbellsville University, which could potentially be a draw for families with college-aged children or those interested in pursuing higher education.

- Limited job market: Campbellsville is a small town, which means that job opportunities can be limited. This could potentially make it difficult for homeowners to find work if they lose their jobs or if they're looking to relocate within the area.
- Rural location: While some people may appreciate the rural beauty of Campbellsville's location, others may find that it's too isolated or lacking in amenities.
- Natural disasters: As with many areas of Kentucky, Campbellsville can be at risk for natural disasters like tornadoes and flooding.
- Maintenance costs: As a homeowner, you'll be responsible for maintaining your property and addressing any necessary repairs. Depending on the age and condition of your home, this could potentially be an ongoing expense.

It's important to keep in mind that these pros and cons are just generalizations, and not everyone's experience with homeownership in Campbellsville will be the same. Additionally, whether or not homeownership is the right choice for you will depend on your personal situation, financial situation, and preferences.