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Hemingford, Nebraska
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Forrest Hickman
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After growing up on a ranch in the sandhills, I graduated highschool and immediately joined the US Army. I served proudly ... see full details and contact information for Forrest ... chasing them with all of their activities is one of my favorite hobbies.
This realtor has 13 recent and active property listings that range in price from $58,000 to $263,000.
Serving the areas of McGrew, Hay Springs, Gordon, Hemingford, Melbeta, Rushville, Mitchell, Lyman & Kimball
Cinda Munoz
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Saving you Time and Money
Masters and Undergraduate degree in Real Estate/Finance/Construction Mgt. from University of Denver, 6 years experience in ... see full details and contact information for Cinda ... family owned business. Specialize in helping my client's dreams come true!
Cinda has 8 recent and active property listings that range in price from $29,950 to $305,000.
Serving the areas of Dix, Bushnell, Gering, Scottsbluff, Gurley, Hay Springs, Mitchell, Marsland, Chadron & Chappell
Amber Howell And Linda Dedic
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I LOVE my job, helping seller's sell and buyer's buy
I was raised in the Scottsbluff area, becoming a Realtor years ago, and I love it. I am a student of the real estate ... see full details and contact information for Linda ... ownership in the Valley. Excellent service built my real estate career.
Linda has 1 active or recent property listings for $200,000.
Serving the areas of Melbeta, Kimball, Bridgeport, Hemingford, Morrill, Bayard, Minatare, Gering, Scottsbluff & Mitchell
Read the reviews for Amber Howell and Linda Dedic
Darlene Kovarik
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About DARLENE KOVARIK* Real Estate Salesperson License 1982 affiliated with Century 21 Bitner-Warner* Broker's License in ... see full details and contact information for Darlene ... Dinner to residents of Jeremiah House (a facility for needy children).
Darlene has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Gering, Morrill, Bridgeport, Hemingford, Bayard, Mitchell, Kimball, Scottsbluff, Minatare & Melbeta
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Advantages of purchasing real estate in Hemingford, Nebraska could include:

1. Lower cost of living: Hemingford has a lower cost of living compared to other cities in Nebraska and the United States.
2. Tight-knit community: The small size of the village means that Hemingford has a tight-knit community where neighbors know each other.
3. Proximity to recreational activities: Hemingford is located near recreational activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing at nearby Box Butte Reservoir.
4. Rural lifestyle: Hemingford offers a rural lifestyle that many people find appealing.

Disadvantages of purchasing real estate in Hemingford, Nebraska could include:

1. Limited job opportunities: Hemingford is a small village with limited job opportunities, which could be a disadvantage for individuals who are looking for work.
2. Weather extremes: Hemingford experiences extreme weather conditions, including hot summers and cold winters.
3. Limited access to amenities: Some individuals may find that Hemingford's small size can limit access to amenities such as restaurants, shopping, and healthcare facilities.
4. Limited property options: As a small village, Hemingford may have limited options for real estate listings.