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1. The city of Chamberlain is located on the banks of the Missouri River, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation like fishing and boating.
2. The city also has a vibrant downtown area with a variety of shops and restaurants.

The small town can feel isolated, especially during the winter months when there are fewer people around and not as many activities to participate in.

Jolene Haun
Agent Photo
My name is Jolene Haun, and my husband & I live on a cattle ranch outside of Miller, SD. We have raised our three adult ... see full details and contact information for Jolene ... I am excited to help you through the purchase and transition process!
This realtor has 11 recent and active property listings that range in price from $25,000 to $250,000.
Serving the areas of White Lake, Chamberlain, Tulare, Iroquois, Miller, Stickney & Hitchcock
Cheryl S. Garmong Lynde
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Buy/Sell/Invest with Integrity
Born & raised in the Philippines; Graduated PreMed 1982; Married Jeff Garmong 1982; Moved to US 1986; Graduated Masters in ... see full details and contact information for Cheryl ... 2001; Moved to South Dakota 2007; Widowed 2010; Married Troy Lynde 2015.
Cheryl has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $20,000 to $175,000.
Serving the areas of Mitchell, Fulton, Chamberlain, Bridgewater, Emery, Parkston, Alexandria, Mount Vernon, Kimball & Delmont
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Official State Seal

I can provide you with some pros and cons of home ownership in Chamberlain, South Dakota. Here they are:

- Relatively affordable housing prices: The median home value in Chamberlain, South Dakota is around $143,000, which is below the national average.
- Opportunity to build equity: With a mortgage, each payment helps build equity. As property values increase, so too does your home's value.
- Freedom to customize your home: Homeowners can change and renovate their homes to their liking without needing approval from a landlord.
- Tax benefits: Homeowners are eligible for several tax deductions, such as mortgage interest and property taxes.

- Responsiblity for repairs and maintenance: Homeowners are responsible for repairing and maintaining their homes, which can be costly and time-consuming.
- Possibility of reduced mobility: Owning a home can make it harder to move to a new location if needed, as selling a home can take time and is not always guaranteed.
- Additional expenses: In addition to the purchase price of the house, homeowners have to pay property taxes, insurance and utilities that can make the cost of owning a home higher than renting.
- Market fluctuations: Home prices can fluctuation with market trends and can sometimes decrease in value.

It's important to remember that home ownership is a personal preference and it's important to weigh these factors against your personal needs and circumstances.