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Eagle Butte, South Dakota
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Dan Whetham
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Dan grew up on a ranch in south central South Dakota near Colome. His dad was an auctioneer, appraiser and realtor who ... see full details and contact information for Dan ... 2021 and 2022. Dan and Brenda have 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren.
This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $225,000 to $1,999,000.
Serving the areas of Piedmont, Smithwick, New Underwood, Oral, Prairie City, Mud Butte, Ridgeview, McIntosh, Sturgis & Keystone
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Eagle Butte, South Dakota is a small village with a population of around 1,300 people. Here are a few benefits of homeownership in the area:

1. Affordability: The cost of living in Eagle Butte is significantly lower than the national average, which means that homeownership can be more affordable in this area.

2. Sense of community: Eagle Butte is a close-knit community where people tend to know their neighbors and look out for one another. If you're looking for a place where you can feel connected to your neighbors and build relationships, Eagle Butte might be a good choice.

3. Access to outdoor recreational opportunities: Eagle Butte is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, including national parks, forests, and lakes. This means that there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as hiking, fishing, and hunting.

4. Investment potential: While the real estate market in Eagle Butte may not be as hot as some larger cities, owning a home in a small town like this can have investment potential. As the area grows, your property may increase in value over time.

5. Pride of ownership: Owning a home in Eagle Butte means that you have a tangible asset that you can take pride in. You can customize it to your liking and create a space that truly feels like home.