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Fort Thompson, South Dakota
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Cory Small
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Cory Small is a realtor who stays calm and makes the right decisions when the pressure is maxed out and giant sums of money ... see full details and contact information for Cory ... and give you insightful suggestions to navigate todays real estate market.
Cory has 1 active or recent property listings for $330,000.
Serving the areas of Mitchell, Arlington, Colton, Hurley, Oldham, Baltic, Lyons, Garretson, Kennebec & Freeman
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Fort Thompson is a small community located along the Missouri River in central South Dakota with numerous benefits to living in the area. Here are a few of them:

- The cost of living is lower than the national average, making it an affordable option in which to buy property.

- The community is known for being welcoming and friendly, so it is an excellent place to live if you value a strong sense of community.

- It is a beautiful region, with ample opportunities for outdoor recreation like hunting, fishing and boating on the Missouri River.

- Fort Thompson is part of the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation, so the area is rich in Native American culture and history, which are significant draws for some people.

- The area also has numerous historical sites, including the Fort Thompson Earth Lodge and the St. Joseph's Indian School, offering opportunities for exploration and learning.

Overall, these factors make Fort Thompson an attractive option for those looking to buy property in a welcoming and affordable community with access to numerous outdoor recreational activities and a rich Native American heritage.