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Living in Crane, Texas, has a lot of positives.

First, the city is a great place to raise a family. It has excellent schools, plenty of parks and recreational activities, and a safe, small-town atmosphere.

Second, the cost of living is quite low compared to other cities in Texas. This makes it an affordable place to live for people on a budget.

Third, the local economy is growing and there are plenty of job opportunities in the area.

The only downside to living in Crane is that it can be difficult to find high-end amenities or cultural attractions like other larger cities.

Lynzy Sousley
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"A name that hits home"
My name is Lynzy Sousley. I am a broker and owner of Lynzy Sousley Real Estate Group. I've always had an interest in the ... see full details and contact information for Lynzy ... I am very flexible with my schedule and I will work for you day or night.
Lynzy has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $180,000 to $524,999 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-06.
Serving the areas of Crane, Midland, Monahans, McCamey, Andrews & Odessa
Vanessa Navarrete
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Strait A Real Estate

Office address:
714 S Gaston St
Crain, TX

This realtor has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $110,000 to $299,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-15.
Serving the areas of Odessa, McCamey, Midland & Crane
Brian Hall
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Who's next!
About Me: My name is Brian Hall and I was born and raised in Carlsbad, NM. After graduating from high school, I attended ... see full details and contact information for ... I would appreciate your consideration in using me as your Realtor.
Brian Hall has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $237,500 to $325,500 with the most recent sale on 2023-05-30.
Serving the areas of Midland, Crane & Odessa
Maria Bedoy
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Passionate Realtor & Stager: helping you find your dream home & transform spaces.
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2023-03-27.
Serving the areas of Midland, Crane, Odessa & Andrews
Viviana Salcido Pando
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Hello, thank you for visiting my page. Just a real quick background on myself, I worked in the accounting field for 20 ... see full details and contact information for Viviana ... in my work and I will make sure my clients are satisfied with my work.
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2022-12-28.
Serving the areas of Monahans, Crane, Andrews, Odessa & Midland
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Official State Seal

- Affordable prices for housing compared to the national average.
- The town is located near several major cities, such as Odessa and Midland, which offer more job opportunities and amenities.
- The town has a small, tight-knit community where residents have a strong sense of community.

- The town has limited job opportunities and is reliant on the oil and gas industry. This can make it challenging to find work outside of these industries.
- The area is prone to hot and dry weather, which may not be conducive to everyone's preferences.
- The town is fairly isolated, which can limit access to certain amenities and services.

Ultimately, whether or not to purchase real estate in Crane, TX will depend on an individual's personal preferences and priorities. It's important to conduct thorough research and weigh the pros and cons before making any decisions.