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Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia
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Sandy Dunn
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Known for Service, Trusted for Results
With her more than 44 years of experience in the real estate and building business, Sandy has an extensive background in ... see full details and contact information for Sandy ... manner. Homestead Realty is "Known for Service, Trusted for Results."
Sandy has 17 recent and active property listings that range in price from $25,000 to $3,850,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-14 for $700,000.
Serving the areas of Henderson, Fraziers Bottom, Letart, Southside, Point Pleasant, Lesage, Gallipolis Ferry, Glenwood, New Haven & Ashton
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Beckie Stein
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Mason County Town & Country

Beckie has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $6,500 to $261,250 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-14 for $295,000.
Serving the areas of Glenwood, Southside, Point Pleasant, West Columbia, Lesage, Henderson, Evans, Hartford City, Gallipolis Ferry & Mason
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Tomma Ranegar
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Special interests include: Real Estate, WV Licensed Realtor, Rental Property Buisness Owner, Rental Property Management for Investors/Clients
This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $159,900 to $399,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-16 for $325,000.
Serving the areas of Gallipolis Ferry, Point Pleasant, Buffalo & Southside
Angela Zimmerman
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Proven Results that MOVE you!
Born & raised in Pt. Pleasant, I returned home several years ago to be near my family once again. I was a Realtor in Phoenix ... see full details and contact information for Angie ... Buying, Selling, InvestingI am here to help YOU! Give me a call today!
Angie has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $77,000 to $209,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-13 for $700,000.
Serving the areas of Point Pleasant, Leon, Henderson, Ashton, Lesage, Letart, Mason, Hartford City & New Haven
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Official State Seal

Some advantages and disadvantages of buying property in Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia.

- Natural beauty: Gallipolis Ferry is located in a picturesque location with abundant natural beauty. The village is situated along the Ohio River, which is popular among anglers, boaters, and other water sports enthusiasts.
- Affordability: The cost of living in Gallipolis Ferry and the surrounding areas is lower compared to bigger cities in the state or country. Consequently, the real estate market is more affordable.
- Peaceful and quiet: Gallipolis Ferry is a small, rural village, which means residents can enjoy a peaceful and quiet lifestyle. Crime rates are typically lower than urban areas.
- Access to amenities: Despite its rural location, Gallipolis Ferry has a few local amenities, including grocery stores, restaurants, and medical facilities. There are also several larger towns and cities within driving distance.

- Limited employment opportunities: Gallipolis Ferry is a small village, which means employment opportunities are limited. Those who work in white-collar jobs may find it challenging to secure work within the village and may need to commute to other areas.
- Lack of cultural opportunities: Gallipolis Ferry is a small community with few cultural attractions such as museums or art galleries. For those who enjoy these types of activities, they may need to travel to larger cities.
- Extreme weather conditions: In West Virginia, extreme weather conditions may be a challenge for some residents. Winters are relatively cold with frequent snowfalls, while summers tend to be hot and humid.
- Limited public transportation: Gallipolis Ferry is a small village, and public transportation can be limited, so residents may need to rely on private vehicles.

These are some of the advantages and disadvantages of buying property in Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia. It's essential to do your due diligence and consider these factors when making a real estate investment decision.