This agent has 1 review.

The Tyus', a buyer from Bonaire, GA
Ms. Makena Davis (Hereafter referred to as the Goddess) Was a mystical dream come true! This Goddess, this being from the world of Gods and Goddesses, dropped into our lives to save us from our ignorance! She is beyond wonderful, above helpful, I lack the speaking skills in all known languages to mankind, to express my gratitude of her supreme skills of house hunting, but allow my feeble attempt of expression.

1. The Goddess, is humble and gracious, she exemplifies a true servant/leadership personality, she speaks what she means and means what she says, she never had to sallow what came out of her mouth, she made it happen with no double talk!

2. Her Goddess like knowledge of the housing market was far above that of us mere mortals, we bow in humble reverence of her supreme wisdom, knowledge and understanding! Everything she told us about the housing market was true, with no shadow of being otherwise!

3. in reference to this same abode we live in now, this place of peace and tranquility, she told us exactly how much to bid on it and that it would be ours! We followed her sage advice (for it was) and won the bidding war! WOW!

4. Available to us 24/7 calling her early or late The Goddess was always there for us answering all any any ill-informed questions we had. In fact The Goddess was proactive in giving information, so most of the time she was calling us and feeding us with the information we would need!

5. If I was going to start a real estate company I'd steal her from you all and and she would be my primary sales person! I'm not sure what your company plans are for The Goddess but she really needs to be the trainer for the company teaching the other sales people how to sale start to finish. As a former fortune 500 trainer I'm saying this professionally, you got a gem, use her before someone else discovers her talent and takes her away!

Finally. Thank you all for hiring and retaining such great talent Makena, made the home buying process easy, and wonderful, we worked on buying a home for over one and a half years, with many agents from several companies and couldn't find a home The Goddess cut that time down to three home visits and voila, we are in our almost forever home!

In closing, I wish the best for your company, and pray that God pours his grace on the owners and every sales team member, thank you!

Kevin and Rhonda Tyus