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Always in Season

Great aspects:
1. Camden is close to a number of outdoor recreational activities, such as hunting, fishing, and boating.
2. There are plenty of local restaurants, stores, and other amenities in the area.
3. The cost of living is much lower than in many other parts of the country.
4. The community offers a great sense of local pride and history.

Not so great aspect:
1. Traffic can be quite congested during rush hour due to the limited roadways in the area.

Tanya Dunnam
Agent Photo

RE MAX Tri-Star

Office address:
1322 Old Oak Pl
Montgomery, AL

Tanya has 14 recent and active property listings that range in price from $28,000 to $900,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-12-08 for $416,000.
Serving the areas of Camden, Catherine, Alberta, Thomasville & Minter
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