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Positive aspects:
1. Cordova is home to a variety of outdoor activities, such as fishing, hunting, and camping. The nearby Bankhead National Forest provides a wealth of opportunities for exploration and recreation.
2. The city is home to a vibrant arts and culture scene with a variety of galleries, theatres and music venues to enjoy.
3. Cordova is a welcoming and friendly community, with a strong sense of community spirit and support.

Negative Aspect:
The local economy relies heavily on the coal mining industry, which can be prone to downturns that can affect the whole community.

Justin Humphries
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"Revolutionizing the Local Real Estate Market!"
Having the right real estate agent means having an agent who is committed to helping you buy or sell your home with the ... see full details and contact information for Justin ... through achievements or awards, but through the satisfaction of clients.
This realtor has 19 recent and active property listings that range in price from $25,000 to $599,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-18 for $515,000.
Serving the areas of Bremen, Kansas, Jasper, Nauvoo, Oakman, Quinton, Sayre, Burnwell & Townley
Linda Ingram
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I began my Real Estate Career in June 2008. I retired from the Walker County Revenue Commission in May 2016 after 28 years ... see full details and contact information for Linda ... new people and helping them acheive the American Dream of owning a home!!!
Linda has 37 recent and active property listings that range in price from $14,500 to $259,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-30 for $580,000.
Serving the areas of Sumiton, Empire, Kansas, Oakman, Sipsey, Cordova, Arley & Townley
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Valerie Birge
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Hello! My name is Valerie Birge. I have over 15 years of real estate experience in sales, leases, insurance, and ... see full details and contact information for Valerie ... - I look forward to helping you make your real estate dreams come true!
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Advantages of home ownership in the village of Cordova, Alabama may include:

1. Affordability: The cost of living in Cordova is lower than the national average, making it an affordable place to own a home.

2. Peaceful living: Cordova is a small, rural community with a peaceful and relaxed lifestyle, making it an excellent place to settle down and raise a family.

3. Strong sense of community: Cordova has a strong sense of community, with regular events and festivals that bring residents together.

4. Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts: Cordova is surrounded by natural beauty, including the Bankhead National Forest, which offers great opportunities for outdoor recreation.

On the other hand, some disadvantages of home ownership in the village of Cordova, Alabama may include:

1. Limited job opportunities: Cordova is a small town with limited job opportunities, so residents may need to travel to nearby cities for employment.

2. Limited amenities: Cordova has limited amenities, with few shops and restaurants available locally.

3. Lack of diversity: Cordova is a small, rural community, which may lack the diversity and cultural opportunities found in larger cities.

4. Extreme weather: Cordova is located in a region that is prone to severe weather events such as tornadoes, which could be a concern for some homeowners.