USDA Geographic Eligibility Statistics for Alabama Postal Zip Code 36608

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5.4% of Alabama is ineligible for rural development USDA home loans.
Postal code 36608 is used by homes and businesses in and around Mobile, Alabama, and covers 163.3 square kilometers. About 54.9 square kilometers of this postal code falls within a USDA exclusion zone. By percentage, about 33.6% of zip code area 36608 is ineligible for rural development USDA home loans. can help you determine precisely what properties are inside USDA loan eligibility boundaries.
Contact realtors Realtors in Mobile familiar with this area. For high resolution boundaries click the map icon to zoom in on postal (zip) code 36608 Zipcode 36608 USDA loan eligibility boundaries  36608 QR code

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Interested in some fun facts and history about Mobile, AL?
Read on!

Here are a few facts about the area around Mobile, Alabama:

- The Mobile Bay is an estuary that runs about 31 miles long and is up to 24 miles wide. It's known for its diverse wildlife, including dolphins and manatees, and is a popular spot for fishing and boating.
- The Mobile-Tensaw River Delta is the second largest river delta in the U.S., and is located north of Mobile Bay. It's home to a variety of plants and animals, including alligators and the rare Alabama beach mouse.
- The city of Mobile was founded in 1702 by the French, making it one of the oldest cities in the U.S.
- Mobile was originally named "Fort Louis de la Louisiane" in honor of Louis XIV of France.
- During the American Civil War, Mobile was an important port for the Confederate forces.
- The USS Alabama battleship is a popular tourist attraction in Mobile. It was used in both World War II and the Korean War before being retired and turned into a museum.
- Mardi Gras is a big celebration in Mobile. It's actually believed to have been first celebrated in the city, before New Orleans adopted the tradition. The Mardi Gras festival in Mobile dates back to 1703.

Direct Alabama USDA Program Administration Contact Information
4121 Carmichael Road, Suite 601
Montgomery, AL 36106

Alabama USDA Rural Development programs are administered through 8 Area Offices. For information or to file an application, contact the Area Office serving your county.
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222 Oak Ln
Abbeville, AL

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