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- Affordability: The cost of living in Blytheville, Arkansas is lower than the national average, making home ownership more affordable.
- Low property taxes: Mississippi County has lower property taxes compared to other counties in Arkansas, this can help to reduce the overall cost of home ownership.
- Good for families: Blytheville has good public schools, a low crime rate and a sense of community, making it a good place for families to settle down.
- Plenty of job opportunities: The city has several employers including Nucor Steel, American Greetings, and several agribusinesses.

- Natural disasters: The city is susceptible to tornadoes and floods. Homeowners will need to consider the cost of insurance and potential damages when making real estate investment decisions.
- Aging housing stock: Much of Blytheville's housing stock is older and may require significant maintenance, renovation or upgrades.
- Limited amenities: Blytheville is a small city, so there are limited amenities such as shopping, dining, and entertainment options.
- Limited growth: Increasingly job opportunities and other real estate development leads to a growth of housing demand, however, Blytheville has limited growth in population and the overall number of jobs available.

Overall, it is important to compare both the benefits and the drawbacks of home ownership in Blytheville in order to make an informed decision.