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Here in Hoxie

Positive Aspects:
1. Hoxie is a small, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and looks out for one another.
2. The city has a rich history and is home to a number of historic sites and landmarks such as the Old Town Hoxie Historic District, the Old Hoxie Courthouse, and the Hoxie School Museum.
3. The area has plenty of outdoor activities to keep residents busy, with numerous parks and trails in the area, as well as nearby lakes and rivers for fishing and boating.

Negative Aspect:
1. Hoxie has limited job opportunities due to its small size, so many locals have to commute to nearby cities for work.

Johnson Danna
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Johnson has 108 recent and active property listings that range in price from $21,500 to $599,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-01-31 for $540,000.
Serving the areas of Walnut Ridge, Reyno, Tupelo, Gosnell, Ravenden, Alicia, Hoxie, Warm Springs, Bono & Brookland
Joey Seibert
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This realtor has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $39,900 to $179,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-12 for $369,000.
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Here are some potential advantages and disadvantages of homeownership in Hoxie, Arkansas:

- Affordability: According to Zillow, the median home value in Hoxie is around $67,000, which is significantly lower than the national median home value.
- Small town atmosphere: Hoxie has a population of fewer than 3,000 people, which may appeal to those who are seeking a quieter, less crowded environment.
- Potential for price appreciation: While there is no guarantee, if the Hoxie area experiences economic growth or if demand for housing increases, home values could go up.

- Limited amenities: Hoxie is a small town, which means there may not be as many amenities (such as stores, dining options, or entertainment venues) as there would be in a larger city.
- Job market: As of 2019, the unemployment rate in Lawrence County (where Hoxie is located) was 3.9%, which is somewhat higher than the national average. This could potentially make it more difficult to find work in the area.
- Limited housing inventory: While the affordability of housing in Hoxie could be seen as an advantage, it's also worth noting that there may be a limited supply of available homes for sale. This could make it more difficult to find the exact type of home you're looking for.

Overall, whether homeownership in Hoxie is advantageous or not will largely depend on individual circumstances and preferences.