*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Casas Adobes ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Picture Rocks, AZ. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Casas Adobes
, Arizona in Pima County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
76 active listings near Casas Adobes
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$550,000    4811 W Willow Wind Pl
$465,000   * 3010 W Corte Ilianna
$464,000    8370 N Weston Pl
$450,000   * 3555 W Goshen Dr
$450,000    7068 N Avenida Adella
$450,000    8249 N Winding Willow Way
$430,000    5945 N Placita Arroyo Plana
$429,900   * 7860 N John Hancock Ave
$429,000    8166 N Plantation Pl
$420,000    8374 N Veranda Pl
$418,800   * 7349 N Heathcliff Ave
$415,000    2762 W Greenstreak Dr
$410,000    2857 W Duskywing Dr
$400,000    3641 W Meadow Briar Dr
$399,000    7945 N Carolanne Dr
$389,900    2846 W Sandbrook Ln
$385,000   * 2334 W Monet Way
$385,000   * 7661 N Vermeer Ct
$375,000   * 2485 W Las Lomitas Rd
$375,000   * 7959 N Jewelflower Dr
$369,000   * 7809 N Roundstone Dr
$365,000   * 7949 N Supernova Dr
$360,000   * 3631 W Bellewood Pl
$360,000    3822 W North Aire Pl
$359,900   * 7708 N Jensen Dr
$350,000   * 4068 W Soledad Pl
$350,000   * 7801 N Roundstone Dr
$350,000    3746 W Marwood Ct
$350,000   * 6087 N Applesauce Ct
$350,000    3350 W Chive Pl
$350,000    4705 W Mars St
$349,900   * 3400 W Rasmussen Pl
$349,900    5910 N Edenbrook Ln
$349,900   * 6865 N DE Chelly Loop
$349,900   * 6865 N DE Chelly Loop
$345,000    7759 N Barque Pl
$339,700   * 2545 W Old Glory Dr
$335,000   * 5881 N Moonbrook Rd
$335,000    7861 N Viewpointe Cir
$335,000   * 2768 W Firebrook Rd
$334,900    7828 N John Paul Jones Ave
$331,000    8081 N Hobby Horse Ct
$330,000   * 2540 W Falbrook Way
$330,000   * 4267 W Bunk House Rd
$330,000    4111 W Red Wing St
$325,000    8135 N Ivory Rose Dr
$325,000    4637 W Gatehinge Ct
$325,000    2551 W Firebrook Rd
$324,900    3412 W Marlene St
$324,000    3391 W Millwheel Ln
$322,500    3424 W Millwheel Ln
$320,000    3336 W Wheatfield Pl
$319,900    6075 N Applesauce Ct
$319,000    3427 W Millwheel Ln
$316,000    2540 W Fanbrook Rd
$315,000   * 3301 W Coriander Dr
$313,500   * 4412 W Calle Jocobo
$305,000   * 2690 W Sunset Rd
$304,000   * 2455 W Ternero Pl
$299,900    3334 W Starfall Pl
$295,000    4417 W Pyracantha Dr
$290,000    2441 W Via Di Silvio
$286,000    2406 W Via Di Silvio
$285,000    2401 W Via Di Silvio
$282,000    2368 W Via Di Silvio
$275,000   * 4204 W Pyracantha Dr
$274,900   * 8128 N Ivory Rose Dr
$272,000    2356 W Via Di Silvio
$239,990   * 3252 W Calle Cereza
$235,000    6110 N Orange Tree Ln
$219,900    3566 W Mango Cir
$216,000   * 3557 W Mango Dr
$185,000   * 6142 N Olive Tree Ln
$185,000    6130 N Pepper Tree Ln
$110,000    6312 N Lime Way

Interested in fun facts and the history of Casas Adobes, AZ?
Then read on!

Here are some facts about Casas Adobes, Arizona:

1. Casas Adobes is an unincorporated community in Pima County, Arizona.

2. It is located in the northwestern part of the Tucson metropolitan area.

3. The community has a population of around 54,000 people, according to the latest estimates.

4. Casas Adobes was founded in the 1940s and was primarily a farming and ranching area.

5. The community is known for its many golf courses, which are popular among residents and tourists alike.

6. Other popular attractions in Casas Adobes include the Tohono Chul Park and the Catalina State Park.

7. The median household income in Casas Adobes is around $70,000, which is higher than the national average.

8. The community is home to several schools, including the Basis Oro Valley Primary School and the Casas Adobes Baptist Church School.