*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Phoenix ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Goodyear Village, AZ. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Arizona in Maricopa County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Valley of the Sun
84 active listings near Phoenix
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$139,392,000   * 9901 W Buckeye Rd
$2,500,000    182 S 95th Ave
$620,000    10223 W Raymond St
$579,990    2805 S 121st Dr
$565,000   * 10432 W Payson Rd
$549,900    10508 W Odeum Ln
$539,900    3013 S 106th Ln
$524,990    3016 S 104th Ln
$515,000   * 10442 W Cordes Rd
$509,900   * 9516 W Trumbull Rd
$508,900   * 10604 W Jones Ave
$500,000   * 10514 W Cocopah St
$499,000   * 9342 W Atlantis Way
$498,000   * 10148 W Marguerite Ave
$495,000   * 10423 W Toronto Way
$495,000    9605 W Getty Dr
$487,000   * 9728 W Riverside Ave
$485,000    10411 W Payson Rd
$484,900    8841 W Watkins St
$479,999   * 9204 W Riverside Ave
$475,000   * 2210 S 106th Ave
$470,000    8334 W Gross Ave
$460,000   * 9136 W Kirby Ave
$460,000    3409 S 90th Ave
$460,000    4120 S 96th Ln
$455,900    2123 S 101st Ln
$447,800    10367 W Albeniz Pl
$445,000   * 10219 W Hilton Ave
$440,000    8768 W Jefferson St
$436,900    9639 W Trumbull Rd
$434,900    9525 W Getty Dr
$430,000   * 2629 S 87th Dr
$430,000    9923 W Whyman Ave
$429,900    1920 S 83rd Dr
$429,900    8821 W Magnolia St
$424,900    9639 W Trumbull Rd
$424,900    9525 W Getty Dr
$424,900    10440 W Papago St
$424,900    10127 W Wood St
$424,000    3725 S 99th Dr
$424,000    11016 W Parkway Dr
$420,000    2216 S 101st Dr
$420,000    10030 W Illini St
$414,900    9815 W Getty Dr
$414,900   * 10118 W Cordes Rd
$410,000    10523 W Atlantis Way
$410,000    1917 S 85th Ave
$410,000    10418 W Odeum Ln
$410,000    2904 S 92nd Dr
$400,000    10003 W Odeum Ln
$399,999    8698 W Monroe St
$399,900   * 9516 W Garfield St
$399,000    9420 W Atlantis Way
$399,000   * 10124 W Levi Dr
$399,000    9351 W Monroe St
$396,110    10624 W Atlantis Way
$395,000    10007 W Payson Rd
$395,000   * 10 N 88th Dr
$395,000   * 2913 S 95th Ln
$394,900    10346 W Kingman St
$393,000   * 3422 S 96th Ave
$390,000    3102 S 100th Dr
$385,000   * 10523 W Mohave St
$385,000    10233 W Preston Ln
$380,000    3704 S 92nd Ln
$379,000    2420 S 104th Ln
$379,000    9710 W Florence Ave
$378,000   * 9404 W Riverside Ave
$375,000    109 S 92nd Ave
$375,000    112 N 86th Ln
$372,000   * 2118 S 101st Dr
$370,000   * 3027 S 101st Ln
$369,900   * 9311 W Riverside Ave
$369,400    9412 W Atlantis Way
$359,900   * 8419 W Papago St
$350,000    9251 W Fillmore St
$345,000    113 S 92nd Ave
$335,000    3010 S 101st Ln
$319,900   * 9359 W Madison St
$276,000   * 8819 W Hammond Ln
$179,000    9401 W Madison St Lot 13
$149,000   * 9109 W Polk St Lot 20
$109,900    607 N 92nd Ave
$109,900    607 N 92nd Ave Lot 12

Interested in fun facts and the history of Phoenix, AZ?
Then read on!

True facts about Phoenix, Arizona:

1. Phoenix is the fifth-most populous city in the United States, with a population of over 1.6 million people.
2. Phoenix is known for its warm and sunny climate, with an average of 300 days of sunshine each year.

Historical event:

In 1910, Phoenix experienced a devastating flood that swept through the city, causing extensive damage to buildings and homes. The flood was caused by heavy rainfall in the nearby mountains, which overflowed the Salt River and its tributaries. The flood resulted in the deaths of 64 people and caused millions of dollars in property damage. The city was rebuilt with new, more permanent flood control systems to prevent future disasters.