*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Avocado Heights ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Lytle Creek, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Avocado Heights
, California in Los Angeles County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
56 active listings near Avocado Heights
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$2,999,000    5300 Workman Mill Rd
$1,850,000    11832 S Circle Dr
$1,750,000   * 6019 Alta Ave
$1,650,000    6340 Pierce Ave
$1,550,000    10315 Strong Ave
$1,398,000    4104 Overcrest Dr
$1,350,000    6315 Hill Ave
$1,350,000   * 6554 Friends Ave
$1,278,888    11129 Canyon Meadows Dr
$1,200,000   * 6732 Friends Ave
$1,197,500    6728 Friends Ave
$1,197,500    6728 Friends Ave
$999,999    5571 Palm Ave
$955,000    5702 Citrus Ave
$925,000    10703 Spy Glass Hill Rd
$899,999    5746 Citrus Ave
$899,000   * 1250 Hansford Ave
$888,000   * 5313 Bihr Ct
$874,900    6236 Gretna Ave
$839,900   * 5308 Legacy Ct
$839,000   * 10305 Deveron Dr
$825,000   * 6013 Gregory Ave
$810,000   * 13423 Bailey St
$789,000    12349 Dorland St
$775,000   * 6521 Painter Ave
$759,000   * 5518 Rockne Ave
$750,000    27 Scenic Dr
$749,900   * 6047 Newlin Ave
$749,900    11740 Broadway
$748,000    6320 Alta Ave
$740,000    11308 Illinois St
$737,000   * 5024 Tierra Antigua Dr
$730,000    10625 Tierra Navarra Dr
$720,000   * 2258 Kaydel Rd
$720,000    11761 Hadley St
$698,888   * 5107 Tierra Antigua Dr
$690,000   * 10640 Lisbon Ct
$689,900   * 13441 Murphy Hill Dr
$675,000   * 13448 Park St
$669,000    5100 Vista Verde Way
$639,900   * 13549 Murphy Hill Dr
$624,000   * 4512 Workman Mill Rd Apt 331
$600,000    5577 Pioneer Blvd Apt 14
$599,999    5577 Pioneer Blvd Apt 6
$510,000   * 4512 Workman Mill Rd Apt 217
$499,000   * 4512 Workman Mill Rd Apt 103
$489,899   * 5593 Pioneer Blvd Apt 5
$474,999    4140 Workman Mill Rd Unit 122
$474,900   * 4140 Workman Mill Rd Unit 165
$450,000    Ridge Rd
$419,900   * 4140 Workman Mill Rd Unit 126
$399,950    12102 Hadley St
$275,000    12209 Honolulu Ter
$145,000    11730 Whittier Blvd Spc 69
$135,000   * 11730 Whittier Blvd Spc 47
$125,000   * 11730 Whittier Blvd Spc 54

Interested in fun facts and the history of Avocado Heights, CA?
Then read on!

Avocado Heights is a census-designated place (CDP) located in the San Gabriel Valley region of Los Angeles County, California, United States. As of the 2010 census, the population was 15,411, up from 15,148 at the 2000 census. The community has a total area of 2.8 square miles of which 99.80% is land and 0.20% is water.

Avocado Heights has a diverse population with a mix of Hispanic, Asian and White residents. It is a residential community with some small businesses along major thoroughfares that provide goods and services to the residents.

The community is located near major transportation routes, including the 605 and 10 freeways, making it easily accessible to other parts of Los Angeles County. Avocado Heights is also home to several parks and recreational areas, including the Rimgrove Park and Trail, that offer opportunities for outdoor activities.

Overall, Avocado Heights is a small, residential community located in a convenient location within Los Angeles County.