*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Burbank ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Val Verde, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Los Angeles County

Use the map or table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
36 active listings near Burbank
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$5,475,000    2001 Peyton Ave
$3,999,000   * 3319 Castleman Ln
$3,995,000    3319 Clifden Ln
$3,995,000    3316 Viewcrest Dr
$3,200,000    7545 N Ontario St
$2,188,888   * 2005 Peyton Ave
$1,899,000    2912 N Lamer St
$1,850,000    3330 N Lamer St
$1,850,000    743 Andover Dr
$1,695,000   * 824 Stanford Rd
$1,569,888    2312 N Sparks St
$1,549,000    410 Birmingham Rd
$1,499,000   * 1019 Bethany Rd
$1,450,000   * 800 Andover Dr
$1,429,000    632 Brown Dr
$1,350,000    2014 Peyton Ave
$1,340,000   * 1901 Richard St
$1,285,000    2025 Jolley Dr
$1,175,000   * 2918 Jolley Dr
$1,130,000    7545 N Ontario St
$1,025,000    7553 N Ontario St
$999,000    1622 Keeler St
$970,000    2200 N Reese Pl
$939,000    2111 Scott Rd
$899,000    9407 Via Yolanda
$799,000    7774 Via Ronaldo
$798,000    7945 Via Latina
$775,000    9781 Via Zibello
$743,000    7806 Via Tortona
$719,000   * 7774 Via Rosa Maria
$698,888   * 2318 N Fairview St Unit 102
$649,946    7747 Via Napoli Unit 80
$649,000   * 7750 Via Sorrento Unit 39
$639,000    2243 N Buena Vista St Apt 103
$539,935    300 Bethany Rd Apt C
$525,000   * 1901 Peyton Ave Apt A

Interested in fun facts and the history of Burbank, CA?
Then read on!

Burbank is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. It is located in the southeastern end of the San Fernando Valley and is adjacent to the Hollywood Hills. The city is named after David Burbank, a New Hampshire-born dentist and entrepreneur who came to California in the 1860s.

Burbank was incorporated in 1911 and developed into a major media center, housing production facilities for major film and television studios such as Warner Bros., Walt Disney Studios, and NBC Universal. The city is also known for its downtown district, which features a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

Burbank has a rich history in the entertainment industry, with some of the most famous films and TV shows having been produced there. In addition to being a media hub, the city is also known for its aviation industry. Burbank's Bob Hope Airport is a major regional transportation hub.

Burbank has a vibrant and diverse community, and it is known for its excellent schools, public parks, and cultural events. The city has experienced significant growth and development over the years, with new commercial and residential developments that have transformed the face of the community.