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Jay Williams
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JAY WILLIAMS has been assisting clients with their residential property needs for the past 30 years. A graduate of Miramonte ... see full details and contact information for Jay ... over years of changing markets set his real estate practice apart.
Jay has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $579,000 to $1,375,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-16 for $2,800,000.
Serving the areas of Oakland, Walnut Creek, Moraga, Lafayette, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, Berkeley, Alamo & Danville
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Mary Neuberger
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Office address:
1699 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA

Mary has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2023-10-03 for $1,400,000.
Serving the areas of Oakland, Berkeley & Albany
Alexis Thompson
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Energetic, expert representation and a tailored approach for every buyer and seller. As a licensed agent since 2007, Alexis ... see full details and contact information for Alexis ... exploring the Bay Area with her family, cooking, reading and writing.
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Moraga, Walnut Creek, Berkeley, Oakland, El Cerrito, Lafayette & Orinda
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Danville is a wonderful place to live, but as with any location, there are always pros and cons to consider when buying a property. Here are some of the pros and cons of buying property in Danville, California:

1. Excellent Schools: Danville is home to some of the best schools in the state of California, which makes it a great place for families with children.
2. High Standard of Living: Danville is known for its high standard of living, with plenty of luxury shopping, dining, and entertainment options.
3. Beautiful Scenery: Danville is nestled in the foothills of Mount Diablo, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
4. Private and Safe: Danville is a private, safe, and friendly town with low crime rates.

1. Cost of Living: The cost of living in Danville is quite high, with high home prices and high taxes.
2. Traffic Congestion: Danville is known for having congested roads and highways, which can make it challenging to get around during peak commuting hours.
3. Limited Public Transit: Unlike major cities, Danville has limited public transportation options, which can be inconvenient for those who rely on public transit.
4. Limited Diversity: Danville is predominantly a white community, and may lack the cultural diversity found in larger cities.

Overall, Danville is an excellent place to live, especially for families looking for great schools, scenic views, and a high standard of living. However, the high cost of living, traffic, and limited diversity may be drawbacks for some. It's important to evaluate your personal priorities and take them into consideration when deciding whether or not to buy property in Danville.