*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Glendale ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Castaic, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Los Angeles County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
The Jewel City
Little Armenia
37 active listings near Glendale
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$5,995,000    404 Lincoln Ave
$5,600,000    719 Orange Grove Ave
$4,100,000   * 824 E Windsor Rd
$3,850,000    827 Mariposa St
$3,650,000    327 S Madison Way
$3,500,000    524 E Acacia Ave
$2,950,000    311 E Maple St
$2,870,000    421 E Acacia Ave
$1,985,000    1411 Columbia Dr
$1,850,000    423 E Harvard St
$1,790,000    1215 Vista Superba St
$1,600,000    508 S Chevy Chase Dr
$1,425,000    1621 Marion Dr
$1,375,000   * 1213 Mariposa St
$1,350,000    1215 Reynolds Dr
$1,325,000   * 1206 E Palmer Ave
$1,225,000   * 319 Roads End St
$1,200,000    1211 Green St
$1,200,000    1538 E Broadway
$1,199,990    812 Mariposa St
$1,195,000    339 Mission Rd
$1,100,000    1534 E Broadway
$969,000    118 S Kenwood St Unit 405
$795,000   * 230 S Jackson St Apt 204
$769,000   * 120 S Everett St Apt 5
$759,000    538 E Chevy Chase Dr
$749,000    1347 E Harvard St Apt 3
$739,900   * 805 E Chestnut St Apt 5
$725,000   * 630 E Garfield Ave Apt 9
$725,000   * 808 E Harvard St Apt C
$679,000   * 325 S Madison Way
$649,995   * 1502 Dixon St Apt C
$549,000   * 1523 E Windsor Rd Apt 103C
$522,500    1118 E Palmer Ave Apt 201
$519,900    1118 E Palmer Ave Apt 109
$495,000   * 634 E Cypress St
$485,000   * 1422 Rock Glen Ave Apt 308

Interested in fun facts and the history of Glendale, CA?
Then read on!

One interesting historical anecdote related to Glendale, California is that it was once a major hub of the early American aviation industry. During World War II, the Grand Central Air Terminal in Glendale was a crucial location for aircraft manufacturing, repair, and logistics. In fact, many famous aviators and aviation companies, such as Amelia Earhart, Howard Hughes, and Lockheed Corporation, had strong ties to Glendale.

Additionally, Glendale was also the location of one of the first ever drive-in movie theaters, where movie-goers could watch films from their cars. The Glendale drive-in theater opened in 1940 and quickly became a popular destination for families and couples to enjoy movies under the stars.

These historical events have left a lasting legacy on Glendale, which today is known for its vibrant community, rich history, and unique landmarks.