*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Novato ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Woodacre, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Marin County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
55 active listings near Novato
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$3,595,000   * 548 Fairway Dr
$3,099,000    46 Burning Tree Dr
$2,800,000   * 104 Laurelwood Dr
$2,699,000   * 33 Pacheco Creek Dr
$2,499,000    10 Turner Dr
$2,295,000   * 52 Caribe Isle
$2,225,000    112 Chapel Hill Rd
$2,049,000   * 1103 Highland Dr
$1,899,000    19 Oak Grove Dr
$1,750,000   * 8 Capilano Dr
$1,599,000   * 71 Calypso Shrs
$1,599,000    75 Country Club Dr
$1,549,000   * 597 Fairway Dr
$1,499,999    8 Esquire Ct
$1,425,000   * 19-23 Shannon Ct
$1,425,000   * 19-23 Shannon Ct
$1,375,000   * 27 Mildenhall St
$1,249,000   * 448 Calle De La Mesa
$1,199,000   * 51 Ferdinand Way
$1,195,000   * 1040 Via Escondida
$1,195,000   * 43 Alconbury Way
$1,150,000    20 Cottage Ln
$1,110,000    419 Calle De La Mesa
$1,095,000    30 Pizarro Ave
$1,074,900    369 Alameda Del Prado
$1,025,000   * 114 Rockview Rd
$899,000    507 Indian Way
$899,000    12 Cinnamon Teal Ln
$729,000   * 19 Salvatore Dr
$720,000    230 Pelican Ln
$689,000    3 Josefa Ct
$689,000    110 Redhawk Rd
$675,000   * 17 Prairie Falcon Dr
$615,000    71 Captain Nurse Cir
$580,000    146 Captain Nurse Cir
$575,000   * 134 Sandpiper Ct
$557,910    315 Bolling Cir
$549,000    114 Posada Del Sol
$525,000    16 Fallen Leaf Way
$505,000    29 Hector Ln
$499,000    28 Marin Valley Dr
$489,000    19 Scenic Dr
$480,000    39 Scenic Dr
$475,000    8 Oak Grove Dr Apt 104
$450,000    18 Fallen Leaf Way
$450,000    10 View Ridge Dr
$449,900    19 Marin Valley Dr
$425,000   * 24 Martin Dr
$405,000    10 Fallen Leaf Dr
$359,000    406 San Paulo Way
$299,000    815 Las Palmas Ave
$295,000   * 410 San Paulo Way
$275,000    113 Ensenada Dr
$249,000    713 Seville Way
$109,000    710 Seville Way

Interested in fun facts and the history of Novato, CA?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about Novato, California:

1. Novato was named after the original land grant holder's wife, who was named Novella.

2. The city was originally a stop on the Northwestern Pacific Railroad and then became a popular location for dairy farming.

3. Novato is home to the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, a renowned research center focused on understanding and slowing the aging process.

4. The Olompali State Historic Park, located in Novato, was once a village of the Coast Miwok Native American tribe.

5. Novato is also home to the Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, which showcases modern and contemporary art from both established and emerging artists.

6. The city hosts an annual film festival called the Novato Film Festival.

7. Novato has been named one of the "Best Places to Live" by several publications due to its high quality of life, excellent schools, and beautiful natural surroundings.

8. Novato is located near several stunning natural sites, including Mount Burdell, Indian Valley Open Space Preserve, and Point Reyes National Seashore.