*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Oxnard ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Fillmore, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Ventura County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Lima Bean Capital of the World
Gateway to the Channel Islands
44 active listings near Oxnard
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,550,000    2475 Ventura Blvd
$1,275,000   * 2324 Arcadian Shores Trl
$1,250,000    2121 Brook Hollow Ct
$1,249,000   * 3680 Dry Creek Ln
$1,200,000    2331 Eagle Creek Ln
$1,200,000    2100 Doral Ct
$1,150,000    3702 Belmont Ln
$1,065,000   * 2140 Norma Ct
$1,065,000   * 2140 Norma Ct
$1,049,000    2321 Diamond Head Way
$999,900    2131 Laurel Valley Pl
$995,000    2338 Nicklaus St
$975,000    2160 Olga St
$950,000    2213 Bermuda Dunes Pl
$939,900   * 2231 Bermuda Dunes Pl
$879,900   * 675 Tiber River Way
$825,000   * 431 Garonne St
$825,000   * 2060 Patricia St
$765,000   * 2061 Olga St
$749,000    4928 Burson Way
$745,000    3122 London Ln
$729,900   * 523 Garonne St
$725,000    2800 Wagon Wheel Rd Unit 302
$719,000   * 3227 Lisbon Ln
$700,000    2701 Alvarado St
$695,000    745 Garonne St
$679,000   * 761 Forest Park Blvd
$679,000    761 Forest Park Blvd
$675,000   * 2171 Mariposa St
$650,000   * 2170 Lantana St
$640,000   * 1330 Holly Ave
$639,000    644 Green River St
$639,000    644 Green River St
$599,000   * 2504 Balboa St
$599,000   * 3103 Moss Landing Blvd
$525,000    549 Holly Ave
$518,000    509 Holly Ave
$515,000   * 2224 Edelweiss St
$385,000   * 2501 Dogwood Dr Unit 77
$365,000   * 2757 Alvarado St Lot B

Interested in fun facts and the history of Oxnard, CA?
Then read on!

Here's a fun fact about Oxnard: In the early 1900s, Oxnard was known as the "Lima Bean Capital of the World" and produced the most lima beans of any city in the United States. The Oxnard area was a prime location for growing lima beans due to its moderate climate and sandy soil. In fact, the Oxnard area still produces a significant amount of lima beans today.