*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Paramount ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Temescal Valley, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, California in Los Angeles County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
City motto: Safe, Healthy, and Attractive
32 active listings near Paramount
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,195,000   * 15803 Passage Ave
$948,999    14703 San Antonio Ave
$909,900   * 6512 Alondra Blvd
$885,000    16311 N Atlantic Pl
$865,000    8208 Sandy Ln
$830,000   * 14952 Texaco Ave
$799,500    15943 Vermont Ave
$755,990   * 14318 Castana Ave
$750,000    6533 San Marcus St
$692,000    15638 Delcombre Ave
$650,000   * 13936 Pelton Ave
$624,980   * 7432 Cortland Ave
$574,900   * 6657 San Juan St
$550,000   * 8302 Somerset Ranch Rd Unit D
$529,000   * 15158 San Jose Ave
$500,000   * 15138 Orange Ave Apt E
$499,000    16840 Verdura Ave Unit 2
$470,000   * 15000 Downey Ave Unit 223
$449,999    7303 Exeter St Unit 204
$440,000   * 14035 Anderson St Apt C
$435,000    7221 Petrol St Unit 19
$419,900   * 15000 Downey Ave Unit 167
$400,000   * 15000 Downey Ave Unit 249
$389,999    15000 Downey Ave Unit 211
$387,000    16825 Passage Ave Unit 312
$375,000   * 16825 Passage Ave
$290,000    16511 Garfield Ave Spc 45B
$260,000   * 16600 Orange Ave Spc 22
$249,000   * 16600 Orange Ave Spc 12
$225,000   * 7101 E Rosecrans Ave Unit 185
$220,000   * 16600 Orange Ave Spc 129
$215,000    7101 Rosecrans Ave Spc 62

Interested in fun facts and the history of Paramount, CA?
Then read on!

Here are a few facts about the city of Paramount, California:

1. Paramount is a small city located in the southeast corner of Los Angeles County.
2. It is approximately 15 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles.
3. The city was incorporated in 1957 and is one of the youngest cities in the county.
4. Paramount is known for its rich history in the film industry and is home to several sound stages and production facilities.
5. It is also the birthplace of iconic filmmaker David Lynch.
6. The city has a diverse population, with a large Hispanic and Latino community.
7. Paramount is home to a few notable landmarks such as the Paramount Iceland skating rink and the Paramount Swap Meet.
8. The city has a thriving business community, with major employers including the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Paramount Unified School District, and the Gateway Towne Center shopping mall.
9. The population of Paramount is approximately 55,000 people.
10. The city has a warm and sunny climate, with average temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to low 80s throughout the year.