*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Walnut Park ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Acton, CA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Walnut Park
, California in Los Angeles County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
53 active listings near Walnut Park
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$5,300,000    2966 Clarendon Ave
$3,425,000    6368 Arbutus Ave
$3,150,000    6729 Middleton St
$2,995,000   * 6360 Gentry St
$2,387,000    2938 E 60th Pl
$2,300,000    7315 Santa Fe Ave
$2,280,000    2876 Saturn Ave
$1,500,000    2452 Zoe Ave
$1,399,000    2619 E 56th St
$1,377,000    2467 California St
$1,250,000    3531 E 61st St
$1,088,888    2546 Broadway
$1,050,000   * 2876 Clarendon Ave
$1,050,000   * 2914 Clarendon Ave
$988,000    2538 Hill St
$949,500    2749 Hope St
$949,000    7902 California Ave
$899,999    3804 Broadway
$898,000    6362 Arbutus Ave
$890,000    2446 Hope St
$890,000    2446 Hope St
$875,000    3921 Olive St
$869,900    6541 Templeton St
$865,000   * 2205 Saturn Ave
$820,000   * 6130 Albany St
$800,000    3202 Flower St
$799,900   * 3037 Cudahy St
$799,900    3037 Cudahy St
$789,000   * 6301 Newell St
$775,000   * 6936 Marconi St
$759,200    2960 Clarendon Ave
$750,000    7130 Arbutus Ave
$699,000    3213 Grand Ave
$699,000    2728 Grand Ave
$680,000   * 7000 Albany St
$675,000   * 4017 Santa Ana St
$668,000   * 4020 E 61st St
$660,000    2503 Cass Pl
$639,900    2660 California St
$629,000   * 5964 Middleton St
$624,999   * 2965 Saturn Ave
$605,000   * 4069 Randolph St
$600,000   * 6360 Marconi St
$599,999    2414 Cudahy St
$599,000    6914 Mountain View Ave
$575,000    6100 Arbutus Ave Unit 27
$535,000    5951 Corona Ave Apt E
$500,000    6431 Rugby Ave Unit L
$430,000    2503 E 58th St
$425,000    2944 Belgrave Ave Unit 101
$419,900   * 6541 Rugby Ave Unit U
$375,000   * 6201 Santa Fe Ave

Interested in fun facts and the history of Walnut Park, CA?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about Walnut Park, California:

1. The city was originally established as a subdivision in the early 1900s and was named after walnut trees that grew in the area.

2. Walnut Park is a small, densely-populated city with a population of approximately 16,000 residents.

3. The city is located near several major highways including the 710, 105, and 10 freeways, making it a convenient place to live for commuters.

4. The majority of the population in Walnut Park is Hispanic, with over 94% of residents identifying as Hispanic or Latino.

5. The city is known for its vibrant community, which hosts several annual cultural events including the Dia de los Muertos celebration.

6. Walnut Park is located in the heart of the Los Angeles metropolitan area, putting residents within easy driving distance of some of the region's most popular attractions including Disneyland and Universal Studios.

7. The city has a number of public parks and recreational facilities, including the Duff Avenue Park, which features basketball courts, a soccer field, and a playground.

8. The median age of residents in Walnut Park is 27 years old, making it a younger city than much of the surrounding area.