USDA Geographic Eligibility Statistics for California Postal Zip Code 95822

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7.2% of California is ineligible for rural development USDA home loans.
Postal code 95822 is used by homes and businesses in and around Sacramento, California, and covers 22.1 square kilometers. About 22.1 square kilometers of this postal code falls within a USDA exclusion zone. By percentage, about 100.0% of zip code area 95822 is ineligible for rural development USDA home loans. can help you determine precisely what properties are inside USDA loan eligibility boundaries.
Contact realtors Realtors in Sacramento familiar with this area. For high resolution boundaries click the map icon to zoom in on postal (zip) code 95822 Zipcode 95822 USDA loan eligibility boundaries  95822 QR code

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Interested in some fun facts and history about Sacramento, CA?
Read on!

Here are a couple of interesting facts about the area around Sacramento, California:

1. The city of Sacramento was once a major center for the Gold Rush in California. Large deposits of gold were discovered in the nearby hills in 1848, which led to a surge of miners and settlers to the area.

2. The area around Sacramento is also home to some of the world's largest almond orchards. California is responsible for producing over 80% of the world's almonds, and many of these orchards are located near the city.

3. The Sacramento River, which flows through the city, was an important transportation route in the early days of settlement. Steamboats were used to transport goods and people up and down the river, connecting the city to other settlements in the region.

4. Sacramento was the site of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States. In 1869, the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad met in Sacramento, linking the east and west coasts of the country for the first time.

Direct California USDA Program Administration Contact Information
USDA Rural Development
430 G Street, Agency 4169
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 792-5800

State Director's Office: (530) 792-5800
Business & Co-op Programs: (661) 281-2736
Community Programs: (805) 863-9928
Single Family Housing: (530) 792-5830
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