USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Connecticut in Windham County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
22 active listings near Canterbury
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$649,900   👍* 30 Bates Pond Rd
$520,000   👍* 153 N Canterbury Rd
$469,900   👍* 200 N Society Rd
$425,000   👍* 56 Phinney Ln
$390,000   👍 182 Packer Rd
$379,000   👍* 88 Gooseneck Hill Rd
$350,000   👍* 52 Maple Ln
$349,999   👍 520 Lisbon Rd
$325,000   👍* 594 S Canterbury Rd
$300,000   👍* 29 N Society Rd
$190,000   👍 35 Brooklyn Rd
$165,000   👍 45 Brooklyn Rd
$135,900   👍 157 Lisbon Rd
$115,900   👍 161 Lisbon Rd
$90,000   👍 57 Brooklyn Rd
$79,900   👍* 63 Gay Head Rd
$69,000   👍 513 S Canterbury Rd

Interested in fun facts and the history of Canterbury, CT?
Then read on!

Canterbury is a small town in Windham County, Connecticut, located in the northeastern part of the state. The town was incorporated in 1703 and is known for its rich historical heritage.

Canterbury is home to several historic sites, including the Prudence Crandall Museum, which is dedicated to the life and legacy of a local educator who fought for equal education for African American girls in the 19th century. The town also has a number of colonial-era homes and churches, many of which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition to its historical attractions, Canterbury is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. The town is located near several state parks and forests, including Pachaug State Forest and Quinebaug Lake State Park, which offer opportunities for hiking, fishing, boating, and camping.

Overall, Canterbury is a charming New England town with a rich heritage and plenty of natural beauty to explore.