*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Meriden ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Prospect, CT. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Connecticut in New Haven County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Silver City
64 active listings near Meriden
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$689,999    271 Allen Ave
$650,000    707 Hanover Rd
$639,900   * 25 Andrews St
$501,000   * 42 Antonio Ave
$475,000    432 Johnson Ave
$470,000    367 S Colony St
$440,000    77 Hidden Pines Cir
$439,900    35 Hillside Ave
$430,000   * 63-65 N 2nd St
$425,000   * 57 William Ave
$399,900   * 511 Gracey Ave
$399,000   * 14 Bradley Ave
$399,000    14 N 2nd St
$389,000   * 523 Main St
$365,000   * 295 Chamberlain Hwy
$360,000    44 Randolph Ave
$359,900    142 Knob Hill Rd
$350,000    24 4th St
$350,000    145 Cutlery Ave
$349,900   * 86 Cooper St
$349,900    65 Prospect St
$339,900   * 61 Charles St
$339,900   * 38 Centennial Ave
$339,900   * 44 South Ave
$339,000    431 Main St
$330,000   * 30 Belmont Ave
$329,900   * 14 Prospect Ter
$319,900   * 44 Vine St
$319,900   * 108 Hamilton St
$315,000   * 329 Hanover St
$315,000    290 Columbus Ave
$310,000   * 91 N 3rd St
$309,900    193 Hillcrest Ave
$299,900    530 S Colony St
$299,900   * 79 Bronson Ave
$299,900   * 126 Bailey Ave
$299,500    45 Sylvan Valley Rd
$289,000    35 Lincoln Ter
$284,900    80 Carey Ave
$280,000    83 Andrews St
$280,000   * 68 Conwell Rd
$279,900    380 Main St
$275,000   * 92 Wilcox Ave
$269,900   * 16 Columbus Ave
$269,900    262 Glen Hills Rd
$265,000    69 Allen Ave
$251,500   * 2 Washington Hts
$249,900    31 New Hanover Ave
$249,000    10 S 3rd St
$239,900   * 20 Carl St
$229,999    233 New Hanover Ave
$225,000    135 Glen Hills Rd
$210,000    174 Woodland St Unit 1
$209,900   * 79 Maple St
$200,000   * 52 Forest Ave
$199,000   * 145 Baldwin St
$195,000   * 91 Woodland St
$189,900   * 44 Orange St
$185,000   * 594 Hanover Rd
$150,000    46 Belmont Ave
$119,900    1012 Old Colony Rd Lot 118
$118,500   * 1012 Old Colony Rd Lot 22
$69,900    55 Bacon St
$55,900    21 Bacon St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Meriden, CT?
Then read on!

Here are some facts about Meriden, Connecticut:

1. Meriden is a city located in New Haven County, Connecticut.
2. The city has a population of approximately 60,000 people.
3. Meriden is known for its silver industry, which boomed in the 19th century.
4. The city is home to the Meriden Daffodil Festival, which is held annually in April.
5. Meriden is also home to Hubbard Park, an 1,800-acre park that features a large castle built of trap rock.
6. Meriden is located about 20 miles south of Hartford, the capital of Connecticut.
7. The city is served by the Meriden-Markham Airport as well as two Amtrak train stations.
8. Notable people from Meriden include astronaut Rick Mastracchio, musician Tony DeBlois, and author Ann Petry.