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Kim Bates
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I will always put my client's needs first. It's all about YOU. I have been a licensed agent since 2000 and a broker since ... see full details and contact information for Kim ... choose to make me your Realtor. I look forward to working with YOU.
Kim has 26 recent and active property listings that range in price from $27,900 to $540,000.
Serving the areas of Humboldt, Linn Grove, Estherville, Lone Rock, Curlew, Wall Lake, Rembrandt, Doon, Spirit Lake & Alton
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Pros of home ownership in the village of Alton, Iowa:

1. Affordability: Alton, Iowa is an affordable place to live compared to other cities in the state.

2. Small town charm: Alton is a small and friendly town, offering a close-knit community and a slower pace of life.

3. Low crime rate: The crime rate in Alton is low, which is reassuring when it comes to feeling safe in your new home.

4. Stable housing market: The housing market in Alton is relatively stable, making it a good investment for the future.

Cons of home ownership in the village of Alton, Iowa:

1. Limited employment opportunities: Since Alton is a small town, there may not be as many employment opportunities available compared to larger cities.

2. Limited amenities: Alton may not offer as many amenities as larger cities, although you can enjoy a peaceful life in a small and rural setting.

3. Rural location: Some people may prefer to live in more urban settings, which means Alton may not be the best option for those looking for that lifestyle.

It's worth considering these factors before making a decision about whether or not to buy a home in Alton, Iowa.