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Joanne Peters
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Joanne joins Century 21, The Professional Group with a wealth of experience having been a full time Realtor in South Florida ... see full details and contact information for Joanne ... is an ideal place to raise a family or have as secondary vacation home.
Joanne has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $80,000 to $285,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-29 for $210,000.
Serving the areas of Storm Lake, Sioux Rapids, Schaller, Early, Marathon, Sac City, Linn Grove, Nemaha, Rembrandt & Albert City
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Kim Bates
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Providing navigation through your real estate needs
I will always put my client's needs first. It's all about YOU. I have been a licensed agent since 2000 and a broker since ... see full details and contact information for Kim ... choose to make me your Realtor. I look forward to working with YOU.
Kim has 30 recent and active property listings that range in price from $27,900 to $540,000.
Serving the areas of Auburn, Thor, Bancroft, Ruthven, Wallingford, Albert City, Linn Grove, Bode, Algona & Rolfe
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John Goede
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Offering Only Quality Service
For over 40 years, giving back to my clients, community and profession has been at the forefront of my activities. If you ... see full details and contact information for John ... community and industry translates to a positive experience for my clients.
John has 1 active or recent property listings for $410,000.
Serving the areas of Primghar, Ayrshire, Milford, Hartley, Webb, Ocheyedan, Ruthven, Superior, Lake Park & Okoboji
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Arnolds Park, Iowa is a small village that is known for its beautiful lake and amusement park. If you are considering purchasing real estate in Arnolds Park, here are some pros and cons to keep in mind:

- Arnolds Park is a beautiful location with a wide range of recreational activities, including swimming, boating, fishing, and more.
- The local community is known for its friendliness and hospitality, so you may be able to make some great connections with new neighbors.
- Real estate prices in Arnolds Park tend to be lower than in larger cities, making it an affordable option for many people.

- If you are looking for a bustling city with lots of cultural activities, Arnolds Park may not be the right choice for you. It is a small town with limited entertainment options.
- While the cost of living is generally lower in Arnolds Park, you may find that certain goods and services are more expensive due to the town's remote location.
- As with any small town, there may be limited job opportunities in Arnolds Park, so it may not be the best choice if you are looking to advance your career.

Overall, whether or not you choose to purchase real estate in Arnolds Park will depend on your personal preferences and priorities. It is always a good idea to visit the area in person and learn more about the local market before making a decision.