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Michelle Crill
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Michelle Crill, Broker at Crill Real Estate, located in Creston, IA. With over 25 years of sales and leadership experience ... see full details and contact information for Michelle ... she will be a Professional Real Estate Broker serving Southwest Iowa!
This realtor has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $79,500 to $549,500 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-07 for $975,000.
Serving the areas of Orient, Afton, Murray, Bridgewater, Kellerton, Cromwell, Clearfield, Corning, Bedford & Prescott
Nancy Loudon
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Opportunity is knocking. Let me open the door.
Nancy Loudon has 6 recent and active property listings that range in price from $50,000 to $400,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-12-28 for $450,000.
Serving the areas of Tingley, Orient, Creston, Lenox, Prescott, Corning, Greenfield, Osceola, Diagonal & Arispe
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Lacking access to the most up-to-date, comprehensive and reliable real estate and economic data on Bedford, Iowa. My responses are based on previously available data, which may not reflect current market conditions, and should not be taken as professional or legal advice.

With that said, here are a few general pros and cons to consider when it comes to purchasing real estate in a rural area like Bedford, Iowa:

- More affordable prices: Real estate prices in rural areas are often lower than in big cities, especially in areas that are more remote or have a smaller population like Bedford. This can be attractive for first-time homebuyers or for those looking to invest in a second property or vacation home.
- Peaceful and quiet lifestyle: Bedford is a small village, which means there's less noise and pollution compared to big cities. It's a good fit for those who enjoy a quieter lifestyle and want to escape the hustle and bustle of a city.
- Strong sense of community: Rural areas also offer a strong sense of community with close-knit neighbors who are more likely to know one another. Bedford being a village may have a small population where everyone knows everyone else.

- Limited job opportunities: One of the main drawbacks of living in a rural area is that there are often fewer job opportunities.
- Lack of amenities: Another downside to living in a small village like Bedford is that it may not have as many amenities. Proximity to a major city may help in overcoming some of the problems.
- Distance from urban areas: Remote rural areas like Bedford may take longer to reach compared to an urban area. This may be a concern for those who need to commute to work or other locations.

Ultimately, whether purchasing real estate in Bedford, Iowa is a good decision or not depends on individual circumstances and goals. It may be a suitable option for those looking for a more peaceful lifestyle, lower prices, and value strong community ties. It may not be a good fit, however, for those who require access to more job opportunities or proximity to urban amenities.