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Buffalo Center, Iowa
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Pam Yegge
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Pam is an Iowa native and a lifelong resident in North Central Iowa. Starting her professional career in the banking ... see full details and contact information for Pam ... to be successful and is dedicated to providing quality customer service.
Pam has 7 recent and active property listings that range in price from $8,500 to $195,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-01-25 for $270,000.
Serving the areas of Lake Mills, Wesley, Armstrong, Algona, Humboldt, Britt, Buffalo Center, Clear Lake & Estherville
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Here are a few benefits of buying property in the village of Buffalo Center, Iowa:

1. Affordability: Buffalo Center is an affordable community, which makes it a great place for first-time homebuyers or those on a budget.

2. Peaceful living: Buffalo Center is a small, tight-knit community, which makes it a great place for people who enjoy a slower pace of life and want to live in a peaceful and quiet environment.

3. Low crime rate: The village of Buffalo Center has a low crime rate, making it a safe place to live and raise a family.

4. Good schools: The village of Buffalo Center has good schools with dedicated teachers, making it a great place for families with school-aged children.

5. Outdoor recreation: Buffalo Center is located in a beautiful natural setting, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation nearby, including parks, hiking trails, and lakes.

Overall, Buffalo Center is a great place to call home, offering affordable living, a peaceful community, and a range of outdoor recreational opportunities.