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A Community on the Horizon

Great Things:
1. Low Property Taxes: The property taxes in Clarion are among the lowest in the state, making it an affordable place to own a home.
2. Small-Town Charm: Clarion is a small city with a strong sense of community and plenty of opportunities to get involved in local activities.

1. Limited Employment Options: While Clarion offers plenty of small businesses and local job opportunities, there is limited access to larger employers and the job market may be more limited than in other cities.

Deborah D Vance
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Ryerson Realty LLC

Office address:

This realtor has 8 recent and active property listings that range in price from $19,900 to $369,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-02 for $950,000.
Serving the areas of Clarion, Eagle Grove, Goldfield, Woolstock, Vincent, Webster City, Dows, Thor & Renwick
Darren K Robinson
Agent Photo

Let me help you, make your dreams come true.
Let me work for you to help you buy, sell, or lease real estate of any kind.
Darren K Robinson has 11 recent and active property listings that range in price from $94,000 to $299,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-26 for $280,000.
Serving the areas of Eagle Grove, Fort Dodge, Vincent, Webster City, Belmond, Goldfield, Clarion & Dows
Kathy Plendl
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I have been an active Realtor in Hampton and the surrounding area since 2000 and purchased Abbott Realty from Linda Abbott ... see full details and contact information for Kathy ... with any of your real estate needs or stop by the office anytime!
Kathy has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Latimer, Ackley, Aredale, Geneva, Dumont, Sheffield, Coulter, Dows & Hampton
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Here are a few benefits of homeownership in Clarion, Iowa:

1. Stability - Owning a home in Clarion provides a stable living environment for you and your family. You won't have to worry about landlords increasing your rent or evicting you.

2. Investment - The housing market in Clarion has been growing steadily over the years. Homeownership can be a great investment opportunity as home values increase over time.

3. Community - The village of Clarion has a small, tight-knit community, and owning a home can help you to establish roots and become an integral part of the community.

4. Personalization - When you own a home, you have the freedom to personalize and decorate your living space to your liking.

5. Tax Deductions - As a homeowner, you can deduct your property taxes and mortgage interest from your federal income taxes, which can help you to save money.

These are just a few benefits of owning a home in Clarion, Iowa.