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Living in Hampton, Iowa has several advantages. One of the best is the sense of community. Hampton is a small town with a population of just over 4,000 people, and many of its residents have known each other for years. This creates a friendly atmosphere where neighbors are always willing to lend a helping hand. The low cost of living is another great advantage, as housing costs are much lower than in larger cities.

On the downside, Hampton does not offer many job opportunities for those who seek higher-paying positions. With the majority of businesses being small and family-owned, there are limited opportunities for advancement and higher wages. Additionally, the town lacks cultural amenities and activities compared to larger cities.

Lisa Renaud
Agent Photo

CENTURY 21 Signature Real Estate

Office address:
546 Main Street #101
Ames, IA

Lisa has 6 recent and active property listings that range in price from $26,240 to $499,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-03 for $455,000.
Serving the areas of Buckeye, Hampton, Geneva, Ellsworth, Clutier, Eldora, Williams, Bradford, Hubbard & Iowa Falls
Yvonne Krukow
Agent Photo

"Working Together To Serve You Better"
Hampton, Iowa real estate office of Krukow Real Estate is located at 515 Central Avenue West. You will find our website to ... see full details and contact information for Yvonne ... and look forward to working with you to meet all your real estate needs!
Yvonne has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $69,900 to $379,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-18 for $370,000.
Serving the areas of Latimer, Geneva, Coulter, Aredale, Dumont, Sheffield, Hampton & Bradford
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There are many factors to consider when buying property in Hampton, Iowa, and the pros and cons will vary depending on your specific situation and priorities. However, here are some general pros and cons to consider:

- Affordable prices: Hampton, Iowa has a relatively low cost of living and affordable home prices compared to many other areas of the country.
- Good schools: The Hampton-Dumont Community School District has received high ratings and offers a range of educational opportunities.
- Strong community: Hampton is a tight-knit community that is welcoming and supportive, which can be a big draw for many home buyers.
- Access to outdoor activities: There are many parks and outdoor recreational opportunities in the area, including the Franklin County Fairgrounds and the Shell Rock River Greenbelt.

- Rural location: Hampton is located in a rural area, which may not be ideal for those who prioritize urban amenities or easy access to large cities.
- Limited job opportunities: The job market in Hampton is relatively small and may not offer a wide range of opportunities, especially in certain industries.
- Extreme weather: The area experiences harsh winters and severe weather events, which may be a concern for some home buyers.
- Limited healthcare facilities: There are limited healthcare facilities in Hampton, which may be a concern for those who require specialized medical care.

It's important to thoroughly research and consider all factors before making a decision to buy a property in Hampton, Iowa or any other location.