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Good Aspects:
1. Kimberly is a small town with a friendly atmosphere, making it easy to get to know your neighbors.
2. The city is located in the beautiful Snake River Valley, offering plenty of outdoor activities such as fishing and hiking.
3. Kimberly is located near many other larger cities in the area, providing easy access to amenities and entertainment.

Unappealing Thing:
The winters can be long and cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing.

Janalee Fowler
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Where Dreams Come Home
Looking for a real estate agent that will stick with you through thick and thin? That won't tire of showing you properties? ... see full details and contact information for Janalee ... are available outside of those hours and on Weekends with advance notice.
This realtor has 10 recent and active property listings that range in price from $52,000 to $1,100,000.
Serving the areas of North Fork, Gibbonsville, Leadore, Tendoy, Lemhi, Salmon & Carmen
Rachel Ryan Walchli
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I love helping people with their real estate transactions, and I love meeting new friends along the way! It doesn't matter ... see full details and contact information for Rachel ... find you the perfect paradise to claim as your own, here in God's country.
This realtor has 12 recent and active property listings that range in price from $195,000 to $1,100,000.
Serving the areas of Gibbonsville, Leadore, Kimberly, North Fork, Carmen, Salmon & Tendoy
James Billman
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I was born in Shelley, Idaho. My father was 34 years in the Military, so hard work and respect were very important in our ... see full details and contact information for James ... to just be the next realtor you use; I want to be your realtor for life.
This realtor has 11 recent and active property listings that range in price from $199,000 to $9,500,000.
Serving the areas of Leadore, Geneva, Tetonia, Ucon, Lava Hot Springs, Swan Valley, Victor, Clifton & Franklin
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Bob Canning
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Service, Honesty, Community!
I believe in contributing to a world where serving is a way of life, honesty is standard, and everyone belongs to a ... see full details and contact information for Bob ... make sure that you are included in all of the communication along the way.
Bob has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Ririe, Rexburg, Rigby, Gibbonsville, Idaho Falls, Newdale, Felt & Driggs
Merissa Swallow
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Robie Real Estate

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This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Challis, Gibbonsville, Tendoy, Lemhi, Salmon, Ellis, Clayton & North Fork
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Official State Seal

Kimberly, Idaho is a small town with a population of around 3,000 people. Here are some pros and cons to consider when it comes to purchasing real estate in Kimberly:

- Affordable housing prices: Compared to other nearby towns, real estate prices in Kimberly are relatively low, which could make it an attractive option for those looking to purchase a home.
- Small town charm: Kimberly is a tight-knit community where everyone knows their neighbors. This could offer a sense of belonging for those who value community and a simpler way of life.
- Access to outdoor activities: Kimberly is surrounded by natural beauty and offers easy access to outdoor activities like hiking, rock climbing, fishing, and skiing.

- Limited job opportunities: Kimberly is a small town, and as such, job opportunities may be limited. Those who work in specialized fields may have trouble finding employment in the area.
- Limited amenities: While Kimberly does have basic amenities like a grocery store and a few restaurants, those who are used to the conveniences of big cities may find the town lacking in options.
- Harsh weather conditions: Idaho is known for its long, snowy winters, which could be a downside for those who don't enjoy the cold or who don't want to deal with shoveling snow.

Ultimately, the decision to purchase real estate in Kimberly, Idaho will depend on your personal preferences and priorities. It's important to weigh the pros and cons and consider whether the town aligns with your lifestyle and career goals.