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Chris D. Johnson
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Serving the areas of Belvidere, Machesney Park, Rockford, Lanark & Loves Park
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Ashton, Illinois is a small village located in Lee County, Illinois. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of buying property in the village of Ashton:

- The cost of living is relatively low compared to bigger cities.
- You can enjoy a quiet and peaceful lifestyle, away from the hustle and bustle of urban areas.
- The village is close to several outdoor recreational areas and offers access to outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and camping.
- The village has a good school system that provides quality education for children.
- Siutes for people employed in nearby cities and towns, such as Rochelle, DeKalb, and Dixon.

- Limited employment opportunities within the village, forcing residents to commute to nearby cities/towns for work.
- Limited shopping and entertainment options within the village, as it is a small village with a small population.
- If you prefer a more urban lifestyle, you may find Ashton too quiet and not lively enough.
- The property values may not increase as much as in more urban areas, making it a less attractive location for investment property.

Overall, whether or not buying property in Ashton, Illinois is a good decision for you depends on your personal preferences and financial goals. It is important to do thorough research and consider all factors before making a decision.