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Mary Lovgren
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Woodhaven Lakes Realty Inc

Office address:
PO BOX 210

Mary has 29 recent and active property listings that range in price from $13,400 to $152,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-22 for $210,000.
Serving the areas of Harmon, Ashton, Paw Paw, Franklin Grove, Rock Falls, West Brooklyn, Eldena, Sterling, Amboy & Mendota
Matt Willahan
Agent Photo

Residential and Recreation Property Sales
Hvarre Realty

Office address:
1913 W Leopard Dr
Dixon, IL

Matt has 1 active or recent property listings for $265,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-29 for $175,000.
Serving the areas of Dixon, Harmon, Franklin Grove, Amboy, Eldena, Ashton, Sterling, Sublette, West Brooklyn & Rock Falls
Matt Hart
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Energy Enthusiasm and Excitement, Put Mine to Work for You!
My focus in Real Estate is to focus on providing my clients big and small with quality customer care that builds a ... see full details and contact information for Matt ... buying or selling contact Matt today for all of your real estate needs!
Matt has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Steward, Lee, Rochelle, Paw Paw, Earlville, West Brooklyn, Shabbona, Waterman, Compton & Malta
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Ashton, Illinois is a small village located in Lee County, Illinois. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of buying property in the village of Ashton:

- The cost of living is relatively low compared to bigger cities.
- You can enjoy a quiet and peaceful lifestyle, away from the hustle and bustle of urban areas.
- The village is close to several outdoor recreational areas and offers access to outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and camping.
- The village has a good school system that provides quality education for children.
- Siutes for people employed in nearby cities and towns, such as Rochelle, DeKalb, and Dixon.

- Limited employment opportunities within the village, forcing residents to commute to nearby cities/towns for work.
- Limited shopping and entertainment options within the village, as it is a small village with a small population.
- If you prefer a more urban lifestyle, you may find Ashton too quiet and not lively enough.
- The property values may not increase as much as in more urban areas, making it a less attractive location for investment property.

Overall, whether or not buying property in Ashton, Illinois is a good decision for you depends on your personal preferences and financial goals. It is important to do thorough research and consider all factors before making a decision.