*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Aurora ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Hinckley, IL. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Illinois in Kane County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
City of Lights
City motto: A City Second to None
50 active listings near Aurora
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,499,000    1826 N Farnsworth Ave
$740,000    1220 Mitchell Rd
$585,000    13-15 S West St
$539,900    1247 Colchester Ln
$479,900    1440 Church Rd
$448,390    66 S Lincoln Ave
$429,000   * 1725 Lily St
$369,999    1100 Joel Ave
$350,000    522-524 Jackson St
$340,000   * 423 S Broadway
$330,000    433 Marion Ave
$315,000    1116 Grove St
$299,900   * 1154 Pleasant Ter
$295,000   * 544 E New York St
$289,900   * 711 Talma St
$285,000   * 1032 Grove St
$259,900    717 S 4th St
$259,500   * 442 S Spencer St
$257,000   * 430 Konen Ave
$257,000    361 Woodlyn Dr
$254,900   * 435 Seminary Ave
$249,900    706 George Ave
$245,000    739 Schomer Ave
$239,990   * 632 Hamilton Ave
$239,900    1160 Homer Ave
$235,000   * 176 N Loucks St
$235,000    1104 Lebanon St
$224,900    364 N Loucks St
$219,900   * 324 Beach St
$215,000    34 N Ohio St
$212,500   * 1311 Kane St
$209,900    1215 Howell Pl
$199,999    960 North Ave
$199,000    1357 5th St
$195,000    1423 McClure Rd Unit 1423
$180,000   * 616 Hinman St
$179,900   * 412 Hinman St
$174,500   * 1136 Elliott Ave
$156,000    1940 Tall Oaks Dr Apt 2B
$155,000    1427 McClure Rd Unit 1427
$144,900   * 1100 N Farnsworth Ave Apt 2E
$138,900    1100 N Farnsworth Ave Apt 2F
$135,000    1750 N Marywood Ave Apt 204
$135,000   * 761 George Ave
$127,000   * 1925 Tall Oaks Dr Unit 3704
$125,000    2003 Tall Oaks Dr Apt 1B
$99,000    1480 Sheffer Rd
$15,000    Superior St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Aurora, IL?
Then read on!

One interesting historical fact about Aurora, Illinois is that it was home to the first free public school district in Illinois. The district was established in 1851 and led by prominent citizen and abolitionist, Dr. Charles V. Dyer. This was a significant development in the history of public education in the United States as it established that education was a right that should be accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status.

Another interesting fact is that Aurora was the site of the deadliest train accident in Illinois history. On April 25, 1946, a passenger train collided with a freight train, resulting in 45 fatalities and over 125 injuries. The tragic accident led to significant reforms in the railroad industry, including the implementation of technology to automatically slow or stop trains if they were on a collision course.