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Heritage Embracing Progress

Elizabeth Baker
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Hi! Im Elizabeth! I am a native to Adams County and a mother to three. I have been in customer service for over 10 years and ... see full details and contact information for Elizabeth ... or message me today to get started on your home buying or selling journey!
This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $25,000 to $125,000.
Serving the areas of Hull, Loraine, La Prairie, Ursa, Golden, Fieldon, Bowen, Warsaw, Liberty & Fowler
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- Barry is a small and quiet village, making it ideal for people who want to live in a peaceful area surrounded by nature.
- The cost of living in Barry is lower than average for Illinois, making it an affordable choice for those looking to buy real estate.
- The village is located in a beautiful area and offers many recreational opportunities, such as fishing, hunting, and hiking.
- Barry is also close to several larger cities, including Quincy, Hannibal, and Springfield, which offers easy access to many amenities.

- Barry is a small village, which means that there may be few job opportunities and limited access to certain services.
- The weather in Illinois can be unpredictable, with cold winters and hot summers, which may not be suitable for everyone.
- The real estate market in Barry may be limited, and there may be few options for buyers.
- The village may not have the same level of amenities and services as larger cities, such as entertainment options, fine dining, or cultural attractions.