*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Carpentersville ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Maple Park, IL. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Illinois in Kane County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
City motto: Building a better tomorrow today
55 active listings near Carpentersville
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$2,500,000    Route 31 Rte
$825,000    3269 Oak Knoll Rd
$629,900    3286 Oak Knoll Rd
$525,900   * 3529 Chancery Ln
$525,000   * 3100 Drury Ln
$479,900   * 6843 Highgate Rd
$420,000    2703 Goldfinch Ct
$400,000    1816 Van Dyke Ln
$379,000    1912 Prairie Path Ln
$375,000    4318 Northgate Dr
$350,000    2930 Deerpath Ln
$349,900    112 N Washington St
$335,000    1811 Cambridge Dr
$299,900    106 Indian Ln
$299,900    102 Adobe Cir
$295,000    41 Lake Shore Dr
$289,900    499 Maple Ave
$289,600    139 Ensenada Dr
$275,000    360 Tee Ln
$269,900    938 Berkley St
$269,000   * 6785 Slate Dr Unit 6785
$269,000    3617 Roanoke Ave
$264,900   * 33 Evergreen Ln
$264,900    17 Elm Ave
$258,000   * 1851 Cambridge Dr
$255,000   * 2226 Tepee Ave
$254,000    2004 Orchard Ln
$250,000   * 140 Golfview Ln
$250,000    Route 31
$250,000    934 Chippewa Cir
$249,900    2113 Orchard Ln
$249,900    728 Houston Dr
$249,900    716 Southwind Dr
$245,000   * 135 Pecos Cir
$240,900    751 Navajo Dr
$239,000   * 7408 Grandview Ct Unit 7408
$235,000   * 2249 Flagstone Ln
$235,000    979 Berkley St
$235,000    7322 Grandview Ct Unit 7322
$229,900    26 Thrush Rd
$229,900    8 Evergreen Ln
$225,000   * 1021 Chippewa Cir
$219,900    1723 Silverstone Dr Unit 1723
$219,900    71 Wren Rd
$215,000    2052 Orchard Ln
$210,000    1425 Silverstone Dr Unit 1425
$199,900    1717 Queens Ct
$180,000   * 3023 Wakefield Dr Unit H
$180,000    2221 Silverstone Dr Unit 2221
$179,000    Route 25
$170,000    2219 Silverstone Dr Unit 2219
$149,900    2054 Berkshire Cir Unit B
$59,900    300 N Western Ave
$25,000    Deerpath Ln

Interested in fun facts and the history of Carpentersville, IL?
Then read on!

- Carpentersville is a suburb of Chicago located about 40 miles northwest of the city.
- It has a population of over 37,000 people and covers an area of 8.28 square miles.
- The city was named after Julius Angelo Carpenter, who was one of the early settlers in the area.
- Carpentersville was incorporated as a village in 1887 and became a city in 1956.
- The city is known for its diverse community, with a significant Hispanic population and residents from many other ethnic backgrounds.
- Carpentersville has a number of parks and recreational areas, including the Carpentersville Community Center and the Raceway Woods Forest Preserve.
- The city is served by the Community Unit School District 300 and has several public schools, including Carpentersville Middle School and Dundee-Crown High School.
- The major industries in Carpentersville include manufacturing, healthcare, and retail.