*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Decatur ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Boody, IL. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Illinois in Macon County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Soy City
Soybean Capital of the World
Limitless Decatur
32 active listings near Decatur
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,200,000    115 Shadow Ridge Ct
$1,200,000    115 Shadow Ridge Ct
$749,900    520 Hundley Rd
$749,900    520 Hundley Rd
$600,000    Route 51
$600,000    Route 51
$494,900   * 526 Will Ln
$450,000    917 James Ct
$450,000    917 James Ct
$449,000   * 767 Christopher Dr
$449,000   * 767 Christopher Dr
$415,000   * 919 James Ct
$389,900    210 Lea Ln
$389,900    210 Lea Ln
$374,900   * 772 Schroll Ct
$349,000    433 Phillip Cir
$324,900   * 13 Lantern Ln
$324,900   * 13 Lantern Ln
$320,000   * 931 W Forsyth Rd
$320,000   * 931 W Forsyth Rd
$319,900   * 791 Apache Dr
$319,900   * 791 Apache Dr
$309,000    826 Stevens Creek Ct
$309,000    826 Stevens Creek Ct
$195,000   * 215 Magnolia Dr
$195,000   * 215 Magnolia Dr
$149,900   * 23 Surrey Ln
$63,000    164 Shadow Ridge Blvd
$63,000    164 Shadow Ridge Blvd
$24,000    252 E Barnett Ave
$19,000    130 S Grant St
$19,000    130 S Grant St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Decatur, IL?
Then read on!

Here are some facts about Decatur, Illinois:

1. Decatur is a city located in Central Illinois, about 40 miles east of Springfield, the state capital.
2. It is the largest city in Macon County and has a population of approximately 70,000 people.
3. The city was named after Stephen Decatur, a naval hero from the early 19th century.
4. Decatur has a long history of manufacturing, particularly in the agricultural and transportation industries.
5. It is home to several major companies, including Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Caterpillar, and Mueller Company.
6. The city has several parks and recreational areas, including Lake Decatur, which covers over 2,800 acres.
7. Decatur hosts several annual festivals and events, including the Decatur Celebration, which is one of the largest street festivals in Illinois.
8. The city is also home to several educational institutions, including Millikin University and Richland Community College.