*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Hoffman Estates ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Maple Park, IL. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Hoffman Estates
, Illinois in Cook County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
City motto: Growing to Greatness
30 active listings near Hoffman Estates
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,827,562    5670 Brentwood Dr
$920,000    3551 Elsie Ln
$725,000   * 1405 Michelline Ct
$689,900    1435 Hunters Rdg W
$680,000   * 1444 Essex Dr
$650,000    5775 River Birch Dr
$649,900    3895 Moulin Ln
$649,000    1590 Bur Oak Dr
$625,000   * 1520 Brittany Ln
$559,000   * 1304 Hunters Rdg E
$549,900   * 1775 Nicholson Dr
$524,900   * 890 Harrison Ln
$515,000    1365 Mallard Ln
$489,900    4105 Mason Dr
$475,000    1210 Monarch Ln
$435,000   * 3905 Whispering Trails Dr
$429,900    1320 Rock Cove Ct
$429,900    4575 Mumford Dr
$429,000    1475 Westbury Dr
$419,900    4537 Crab Orchard Dr
$399,900    1315 W New Britton Dr
$374,900   * 3825 Winston Dr
$370,000    4542 Opal Dr
$360,000   * 4553 Topaz Dr
$355,900    4522 Opal Dr
$349,000    5589 McDonough Rd
$339,777    4560 Topaz Dr
$299,900   * 3535 Winston Dr
$160,000    5560 Airdrie Ct
$120,000   * 1680 Airdrie Ln Lot 15

Interested in fun facts and the history of Hoffman Estates, IL?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about Hoffman Estates, Illinois:

1. The village is named after the developer's children, who were named Hoffman.

2. Hoffman Estates is home to Sears Holdings Corporation and the famous Sears Centre Arena.

3. The village has a large Asian population and its annual Asian Fest is one of the biggest cultural festivals in the region.

4. Hoffman Estates has a diverse community and its school district serves students from more than 20 different countries.

5. The local park district manages more than 600 acres of parkland, which includes parks, nature preserves, and trails for hiking and biking.

6. The village hosts the annual Fourth of July Parade, which draws thousands of people from all around the area.

7. Hoffman Estates is located close to Schaumburg, which is home to one of the largest malls in the country, the Woodfield Mall.

8. The village is also located near several major highways, including I-90 and IL-58, which make commuting to and from the city convenient.

9. Hoffman Estates has won several awards over the years, including being named one of the "Best Places to Live in America" by Money Magazine in 2009.

10. There are several major corporations headquartered in the village, including CDK Global, AT&T, and Siemens.