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Mozier, Illinois
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Ginny Becker
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Be Honest, Work Hard and Keep it real!
Ginny Becker began her career in 1996 as the Director of Sales for the Greater Alton Convention and Visitors Bureau. During ... see full details and contact information for Ginny ... and has a motto she lives by; BE HONEST, WORK HARD, & KEEP IT REAL.
Ginny has 29 recent and active property listings that range in price from $28,000 to $265,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-17 for $625,000.
Serving the areas of Maryville, Virden, Smithton, Collinsville, Litchfield, Staunton, Sawyerville, Modesto, Edwardsville & Worden
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Cyndi Borrowman
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I am the managing broker of our branch office in Hardin, Calhoun County, IL! Born and raised in Pike County but now live in ... see full details and contact information for Cyndi ... with and welcome the opportunity to meet new professionals and clients!
This realtor has 10 recent and active property listings that range in price from $15,000 to $1,045,500 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-17 for $2,150,000.
Serving the areas of Nebo, Hardin, Golden Eagle, Rockbridge, Brussels, Alton, Michael, Pleasant Hill, Hamburg & Mozier
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Washington Park, Illinois is a suburban town that offers a relatively affordable cost of living, making it an ideal location for those who want to own a home without breaking the bank. Some benefits of homeownership in Washington Park, IL might include:

1. Stable housing costs: As a homeowner, you can enjoy more stable housing costs that are not subject to frequent rent increases.

2. Increased privacy and control: Homeownership gives you more privacy and control over your living space, allowing you to customize your home and surroundings to your liking.

3. Equity building: By owning a home, you can start building equity, which can be a valuable asset if your home increases in value over time.

4. Sense of community: Washington Park is a tight-knit community, and owning a home here can give you a sense of belonging and connection to your neighbors.

5. Tax benefits: Homeowners in Washington Park may be able to take advantage of tax benefits such as deducting mortgage interest and property taxes on their tax returns.

Of course, homeownership also comes with responsibilities like maintenance and repairs, but overall it can be a great investment in your future.