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Two nice things about living near Chandler:
1. The city has a rich history, with many historical landmarks and buildings to explore.
2. Chandler is situated in a beautiful rural setting, with plenty of natural beauty to enjoy.

One unappealing thing about living near Chandler: The city has limited access to public transportation, making it difficult to get around without a car.

Pamela Tesch
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I strive to serve you & make your experience enjoyable.
My goal is to provide you the type of personal service I would expect for myself. I truly care about you finding the best ... see full details and contact information for Pamela ... attempt to go above & beyond to make your real estate experience great.
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $244,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-15 for $555,000.
Serving the areas of Santa Claus, Fulda, Holland, Leopold, Gentryville, Branchville & Cannelton
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Jodey Reisz
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Treating Clients Like Family
Exp Realty, Llc

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This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $160,000 to $264,999 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-01 for $709,000.
Serving the areas of Holland, Gentryville, Newburgh, Dubois, Fulda, Troy, Bristow & Mariah Hill
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Phyllis Lagrange
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My wide experience and knowledge of the area enables me to guide my clients smoothly through any Real Estate transaction. I ... see full details and contact information for Phyllis ... Representation and Exceptional results I've helped others to achieve.
Phyllis has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $389,000 to $415,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-27 for $740,000.
Serving the areas of Cannelton, Tell City, Chrisney, Derby, Rockport, Fulda, Bristow, Saint Croix & Leopold
Read the reviews for Phyllis LaGrange
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Advantages of homeownership in Chandler, Indiana:
- Equity: Owning a home allows you to build equity over time as you pay off your mortgage.
- Stability: If you plan to stay in Chandler for the long-term, owning a home can provide stability and roots in the community.
- Freedom: As a homeowner, you have the freedom to modify and improve your property as you see fit, as long as you comply with local zoning and building regulations.
- Tax benefits: Homeownership can often come with tax benefits, such as deductions for mortgage interest and property taxes.

Disadvantages of homeownership in Chandler, Indiana:
- Upfront costs: Buying a home requires a significant upfront cost, including a down payment, closing costs, and other expenses.
- Maintenance and repairs: As a homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining and repairing your property, which can be costly and time-consuming.
- Market fluctuations: The real estate market can fluctuate, which can impact the value of your home and your ability to sell it in the future.
- Less flexibility: Owning a home can tie you down to a specific location and make it more difficult to relocate for job or lifestyle changes.

Overall, homeownership can be a great investment and provide many benefits, but it is important to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision based on your individual circumstances and goals.