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Jami Spitznogle
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Your Local Expert
Jami and her husband, along with four of their teenage children reside in the Delphi area. Two of their children attend ... see full details and contact information for Jami ... school & is an avid volunteer in the communities that are dear to her.
Jami has 1 active or recent property listings for $520,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-02 for $515,000.
Serving the areas of Brookston, Otterbein, Lafayette, Rossville, Burlington, Flora, Cutler, Burrows, Bringhurst & Fowler
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There are several pros and cons to consider when buying property in Lafayette, Indiana.

1. Growing Economy: Lafayette has a diverse economy, with a thriving manufacturing sector, healthcare, and education industries, which has led to job growth and a strong local economy.
2. Affordability: The cost of living in Lafayette is relatively low compared to other metropolitan areas in the United States.
3. Educational Opportunities: Lafayette is home to Purdue University, which is a renowned institution with a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
4. Cultural Offerings: There are many museums, galleries, theaters, and music venues in the city, which provide residents with a rich cultural experience.

1. Weather: Winters in Lafayette can be very cold and snowy, which may not appeal to everyone.
2. Traffic: Lafayette is located at the intersection of several major highways, which can lead to congestion and traffic during peak hours.
3. Limited Public Transportation: There is limited public transportation in the city, which could be an issue for those who rely on it to commute or get around.
4. Property Taxes: Property taxes in Lafayette can be relatively high compared to other cities in Indiana.

Overall, Lafayette is a growing city with a strong economy and many educational and cultural offerings. However, it may not be the right fit for everyone due to its climate, traffic, limited public transportation, and higher property taxes.